Should I be allowed to work for other companies?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Should I be allowed to work for other companie

Post by nikonman »

Thank you for posting the pictures.
It's not easy to get used to adding the pictures first time around. I know i made a right cock up first time i tried.

You did not say what part of the country you lived in.

I hope you have managed to get the contract with the company sorted out after all the advice you have received.
Daz Savage
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Re: Should I be allowed to work for other companie

Post by Daz Savage »

Agree and disagree here Paul.
Sites do fall apart due to lack of commitment, overly-high expectations and a whole host of others you haven't mentioned but my earlier advice was made with the assumption that the people involved would be sensible and go into the whole thing carefully.
I can't agree that the rights to everything automatically should go to the model if the site falls on its arse because if everyone agrees on a 50:50 share of work and profits then why would the photographer have to give up his legal rights to the images? Will the model be giving him all her shoes?..
Perhaps her underwear would suit better (lol).
You mention the model sacking the 'togger when things get ropey but if it is a partnership then partners can't be sacked... just removed - usually by dint of a further agreement.
I go along with everyone going their separate ways and burying the material when a site fails and think that it's rather shoddy to just leave it a while and then begin using the same material elsewhere when it's all gone quite... and models do this as well as photographers.
Personally in the past when models have given up the job due to issues like dopey boyfriends, demands for instant success, boredom leading to commitment-loss and other crap like that I have simply closed the site and filed all the work under E for EXPERIENCE.
But bollocks to the model getting the site or the rights!
Not bothered if it is the model's tits N ass on display... the fact is that tend to I charge more for a day's work than many models so my input has been financially greater in the first place. I'm often amazed at how short-changed the 'toggers are when it comes to this business.
It's not all done by magic! (LOL)

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
paul jones
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Re: Should I be allowed to work for other companie

Post by paul jones »

All I'll say is that while I'm sure plenty of togs/promoters have been let down by models, I've seen a lot more cases where the model has been let down by a tog, usually in that the promotion hasn't made anything like the revenue they were lead to believe would be generated.

I don't think these are usually anything nefarious, but I do think that a lot of togs think because they can take pics they can promote a site, which is a different skill set, and they overpromise and everyone gets upset.

I suppose the key lesson is - have a "what if it all goes wrong" set out at the start.

Webmaster of [url][/url]
I still love performing and shooting, and always happy to help people make porn. Esp if will be an outlet :-)
Daz Savage
Posts: 1686
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Re: Should I be allowed to work for other companie

Post by Daz Savage »

I take your point there Paul.
There are so many dodgy 'toggers about that just use this as a ruse for getting free material that this makes the rest of us look bad.
And you're 100% right there about the marketing.


(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Should I be allowed to work for other companies?

Post by northeastpete »

hi pip
please send me a message with what levels you work to ( girl/girl , boy/girl etc) you are quite local to me and i am looking to book some more shoots in january.

you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off !!!!!!