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Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:53 pm
by Porn Baron
You sound so cynical and don't seem to have any enthusiasm for what you do?

Been doing it for too long and you've become stale and bored.

If you don't like what you do you make crap!

Maybe you should get an apprentice? Someone you could show the ropes and continue the dynasty.

Someone who could bring in some new ideas and a freshness. !wink!

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:02 am
by sandie
im not sure who ur talking to there PB but ur right. the novelty of making porn has ceratinly worn off for me even tho its still a major passion of mine and thats why im moving on to pastures new.

dont worry tho i wont be going far.

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:11 am
by one eyed jack
I dont think I've lost any enthusiasm for what i do at all PB. In fact, I've been focussing my energies on finding new and unusual couples that reflect how diverse couples are becoming (or have always been) and I put a lot of back end research and direct pr into every shoot.

Surely thats evidence enough that I have not run out of steam. I dont just turn up , point a camera and shoot a nked couple on the middle of a bed that is so prevalent today

I see your point about the cynicism. Thats because there is only so much crap I can stomach hearing erupting from various corners that I feel has to be put to a stop before it spirals out of control. I find that in itself an uphill struggle and maybe my frustrations are seeping through on that.

As for the apprentice? What makes you think I havent? I see a few potential youger One Eyed Jacks...those that are young and handy with the cam and someone (not a millon miles from here (though I dont think he has ever posted) already knows it. If he chooses to come forward then I leave it up to him to do so.

If you've been keeping up to date on my affairs (ie Real Couples) you might know who it is !happy!

If anything, I've been more happier n recnt years with regards to what I do and have turned down projects because I feel it wasnt worth my energy and enthusiasm.

Money truly isnt everything and I think my enthusiasm rubs off on people that enjoy working for me also.

it cant be???

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:18 am
by sandie

Terry are u serious. am i hearing right?
u are letting someone else shoot with/for u?

u always said if u didnt do all the leg work it wouldnt be a OEJ production!

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:32 am
by jimslip
You probably misunderstand me. I'm delighted at the downturn in porn 'cause it's finally breaking the stranglehold that the 'Traditional' producer has had on the industry for 25 years. If pornographers did fashion, we'd all still be wearing kipper ties and the girls would still be wearing suits with power shoulders. in fact we'd all look like extras from Wham's, 'Last Christmas' video!

The recipe was simple: For Gloss: Find a prop, eg swimming pool, jail set and so on, place a bird with stuck on tits in it. Bring on 1-6 bodybuilder studs, set your stop watch and let them fuck. Don't forget the rules, blow job first, then followed by 4 positions and cum shot.

For Gonzo: find a Robin Asquith (From the old Confessions of a Window Cleaner films) clone, throw in a few, 'Weh, heys!' and 'Phoerrrs' and follow the instructions in the 'Gloss' section, oh yes and shake the camera around!

That's why porn is dieing, 'cos it's so fucking boring!

For me it's great, because finally it is possible to experiment with ways of displaying erotica in different ways and my clients are actually noticing and appreciating the subtle. In the old days, if a girl didn't get everything bar the kitchen sink up her arse in your scene, you weren't considered to be 'hard core enough' and in more recent times, because producers were devoid of any imagination, girls had to be abused, slapped, vomited on and generally humiliated. This hasn't worked either in stemming the demise. thank God.

I realised a long time ago, that not every consumer of porn is a closet rapist and that's actually why i started, to cater for all the guys out there who were fed up with being 'Dumbed down'...........and it's worked!

What's changed is if you want to make money in porn, youve now got to have an imagination and treat porn as the art form that it actually is and that doesn't mean bunging a blue light through a venetian blind, in your set! LOL

So I say, bring it on, it's great!

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:04 pm
by Porn Baron
I'm sure whatever you do will be a sucess as you have your feet firmly on the ground. Good luck !happy!

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:10 pm
by Porn Baron
OK fair play to you but you do seem a little depressed.

Don't you think taking a break from time to time helps to refresh your porn?

Or maybe that's not possible in what you do?

Re: it cant be???

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:47 pm
by one eyed jack
Well not fully yet. But i have found someone who is shaping up to be very promising with the camera in one hand interacting with the model in a creative way rather than film from one angle. Those that know know this is very difficult. its not like I snd him out on shoots but I do buy stuff from him and collaborate with him from time to time..

I'm mainly concentrating on Real Couples but i am keeping an open mind to new things.

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:49 pm
by one eyed jack
I do take spells from work. Is there a particular scene you feel deserves explaining? I would very much like to hear your views if there is one.

Re: im sorry but i cant help myself...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:43 pm
by videokim
Have to agree with you about taking breaks etc, when i hurt himself last year we were going to sell up & call it a day but everyone we knew from the industry were so helpful & friendly we got a second wind. Having a 8 month break did help because we sat back & realised we had to go back to basics to get the same sort of footage we got in the 90's when we were fresh, Terry is right about the same old content in porn films which makes movies so boring. Kim was one of the first gonzo female star/producers in 1996 & now theres hundreds so we have to rethink all the time to make sure our films stay near the top in the amateur market. The secret is to know when to change your style otherwise you become typecast & people walk past your film & pick up the next simply because its new & more exciting.
Listen to new peoples ideas, always help new people wanting to get into the industry & be friendly, what goes around comes around.
