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Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:56 pm
by paul jones
Basically models get a lot more mail from idiots than real people (pro or am).

Idiots sometimes write enough to show themselves to be so, but usually just write a one line "I want to shoot you" and if the model responds they suddenly think there is a relationship and love to too and fro emails...

So, if you are genuine, the more detail you supply, the better, and if your time is too precious, then just accept that you might not hear back.

FWIW I'd say that the minimum that it is reasonable to expect a model to take seriously is :-

"Hi, I'd like to discuss a shoot. I'll send details if you reply. I am amateur but serious and you can see a selection of my work at www.Online"

Trust me - your pics don't need to be great, they just serve to show are real. If you don't have any pics, book a local studio and their girls and shoot some clothed glamour and soft nude, just to get some.

BTW - Emily is a great girl with a fab figure and the most lovely breasts.


Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:21 pm
by Chemical Robbie
The Idiot put amature's to shame. We are not all like that. In fact, I make a extra special effort to be clear & courtious in all correspondance.

I liked your pheasant gag by the way! Please dont loose faith in all AM's.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:27 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Sam Slater - BINGO, i'm not a TOP performer, i never claimed to be one, i'm a mere part timers, i have other things to do in life. if you want to slate me, i suggest you stop constantly trying to add me to facebook, and emailing me stupid forwards all the time. THEY can be time consuming.[/quote]

I've not slated you at all. I merely pointed out a few truths; and regarding the e-mails and facebook thing..........I'm clueless as I've never used facebook, nor have your e-mail. Feel at liberty to post any e-mails you think are from me on this board, as I've never e-mailed any girl from these forums in 6 years, unless they are personal friends from life itself - and those professional girls would find this little concoction of yours -or, maybe, mistaken identity- laughable.

I do know enough to know it is a waste of energy arguing with a girl on these forums because such occasions frighten other girls away, which is not what the mods, or punters really want, so I will not say much more on the matter, apart from that I found you rude. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that you went specifically out of your way to be rude to the gent that e-mailed you. Yes, the request you got was amateurish, and overly succinct, but even after your initial sarcastic retort about pheasants, he wasn't rude in return and only asked if the job was important to you. All along, you quote him as the 'idiot' in capital letters.

I need not say anymore, as your own 'thread opener' says it all, giving any objective, decent individual all the information he or she needs about your attitude. Ask yourself how, -after such sarcasm to a harmless request, and then rudeness in calling the guy an idiot on a public forum- you then find my post as 'slating you'?

What amazes me more than your own rudeness and ill humour, is the amateur's level-headed, and gentleman-like replies. A lesser man could have turned to insults. He gets a pat on the back for me.

I have seen the tripe some top performers get in their inboxes, so do not think me ignorant.

Anyway, I reiterate, any e-mail you think you've got from me, you are free to paste it on here.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:06 pm
by LeahCaprice
I get emails saying similar things or 'for more details please email'. If they included ANYTHING in the email then maybe I'd be a bit more intrigued!

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:18 pm
by one eyed jack
So there you have it folks. I notice the amateur producers agree with the minimalist approach but yet two models have vocied they would like t know a bit more that differentiates a possible shoot opportunity from a possible loon.

I agree with Paul Jones that something like what he said should be an initial approach at the very least.

The wise sage has spoken. So shall it be laid down as law.

This case is adjourned.

Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:59 pm
by scarlett j
name and shame the tog Em!!


Re: The trouble with amateur's is.....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:51 pm
by videokim
As Terry said some amateurs do this for pleasure & i would fall into this category as me & John are swingers who would make films even if there was no profit in it, looking at some of the Pro producers earnings we fall a long way below what they get so this does effect what we can & cannot pay when arranging films like most amateurs.
Amateur producers should be checked out first if you can by asking them who they have worked with etc & contact the models to see if they behave & pay your fee's etc.
In defence to other amateurs i usually get it the other way round by recieving short e-mails from Pro-semi Pro actors/actresses saying things like 'whats the score', this often means they are looking for work but not bothering to read your ad which can be frustrating so i reply by saying 'what match are you talking about' thus getting them to explain what they are looking to do, if it matches what i want & if i can meet their fee's.
We have stayed neutral for 10 years working with Pro & Am people but each runs a bit of a closed shop not accepting the other too seriously & only working with the other when needs must, we know some amateurs who could easily be top Pro producers with the right funds & some new Pro Producers who don't even belong in the basic amateur status.
We are sorry these girls have had a bad deal from these amateurs & it should not reflect on all amateurs as an whole, we know of actresses being treated badly by pro companies so both can be as bad.
We all start somewhere & all make mistakes, the moral is don't accept one liners, don't accept offers that seem to good to be true Pro or Am & if you are not sure of the ropes stick with an agency (a known one).

Kim xxx