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Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:31 pm
by Snow Patrol
I am not talking about **********.

I am talking about Tiff's reply to Warren Zevon Rip, where she says to a 'customer' (WZR)

Yeah, and who the **** are you?

I was simply saying that WZR is a porn consumer, therefore by default, one of the (many) people, (indirectly) paying her wages, and therefore she shouldn't be replying to him with 'Who the fuck are you'...

Remember, the customer is always right... Even when they are wrong.

There's an old saying, if you cant say anything nice, then say nothing at all...

Tiff posted this open letter on an open forum, to invite opinions. If those opinions are not all the ones she wants to hear, then she shouldn't make that kind of post.

Likewise, if she doesn't like a reply, then she should bite the bullet, and move on.. Yes, say what sh likes about **********. That's freedom of speech.

However, IMHO there's no need to be rude to a customer, ever.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:42 pm
by wayne
Im sorry but its not ever correct/right for somebody to post in such a manner dismissing a persons feelings and opinions based on nothing more than his sheer arrogance of if he has heard of them.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:03 pm
by Snow Patrol
In normal circumstances maybe, but under the specific circumstances above, when the initial post is followed up with another, saying:

"i like a good debate... please feel free to rspond...."

I take that to mean that she is seeking opinions, all opinions, both good, bad or indifferent, regarding her original post.

Warren gave his 'opinion'...

And received an extremely rude reply...

Now I dont Warren, I dont know Tiff, and I dont know you. But I do know that there's no reason for a porn performer to be rude to their 'public' just because the 'public' doesn't know who they are...

For what its worth I agree to an extent with warren saying he had heard of ********** and not tiff... The same applies to me... However a lot more people have heard of her now I suppose, and as such, the publicity cant be that bad for her...

After all, its certainly raised awareness of her name hasn't it?
In other words, if you asked me last week, had I heard of a performer called 'Lady Tiffany' I would have said No.

Ask me this week, and Id reply, Yeah, shes the girl Rob stone had a go at...

So its not all bad is it?

However, it would be awful if someone replied 'Yeah, shes that girl that's really rude to people on the BGAFD'... Obviously that will not happen, with one incident, but my point is, that in this fragile bubble of pseudo-celebrity culture.. Even once can be one time to many, so hopefully she might think twice in the future...

That's all.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:45 pm
by Sam Slater
If you read Warren's post again, it may not seem so rude as you think (certainly not enough to be so dismissive and rude).

It was a rather long post from someone who 'held no grudges', and your post did ask for opinions. I think Warren's point about not knowing who you are is a good point. I didn't know who you were either -and I'm guessing lots of us didn't- but whatever you think of **********, he got people to notice you!

Chill out a little.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:32 pm
by Deano
?Wanye just wants to be Tiffanny's hero!!!!!?

If you and the rest of the ********** Brown Nose Brigade would extract your heads out of Rob?s arse for 2 seconds, It?s clear to any disinterested party that he's shot himself in the foot with his last post on SMUT News.

His rant is fatally flawed on a number of counts, the main ones being:

1) Tiffanny?s only ?crime? (I suppose it?s a crime in Rob?s world) was not responding ? for whatever reason to his first email. FFS, where is it written that every model is obligated to respond to his emails? I know a yay or nay would be nice, but the adult thing to do if you don?t get an answer, is to offer the work to someone else.

2) She had the temerity to respond to his fake offer of work. I mean...what was the point of that? I think that says more about him than her.

3) The puerile ?eeeeewwww? comment. I seem to remember him singling out FR & BS, then slamming them for hypocrisy and a misplaced sense of moral superiority when Xperimental was released. Then surprise, surprise he adopts the same argument he spent a whole page ranting against. What is he a maverick pushing the boundaries or Mary Whitehouse? Choose a persona please.

I like some his work and many of his posts on SMUT were funny and brilliantly written. But he?s not God and he?s not always right about everything - like some his sad fanboys seem to believe.

He should have stuck to writing about people he has worked with - in whatever capacity, rather than a random model who failed to reply to his first email.

Sadly his final post has only made him look like a hypocrite, schoolyard bully, and a small petty man.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:50 pm
by Deano
"Deano only has 2 posts......."

That's right...I have a life!