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Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:37 pm
by Trinity
So any news on this? i have a friend wanting to come

Trinity xx

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:52 pm
by Cenobitez
I'm going to the o2 shop tomorrow, I'l report one the result then :)

If people on Orange have so far said no problems,

Maybe the answer :)

If i have problems with o2, i'll let ya know how the orange thing works out.

The Actual Solutuon (Worked)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:35 pm
by Cenobitez
I popped into the o2 Store today, and told them the deal and they simply said oh ok.

So I went to a desk with them, they asked for my First Name, Surname and Date of Birth, then tapped it into the computer and it was done, they told me a pin number if anything asked for it and away i went.

No checking my ID, no nothing, unlike the guy on the phone said.

About 2 minutes ago i got a text that said "Your age Verification Status has been updated. You can non access content and services classified 18. To change this setting call 61018 free".

I just sent the texts to the 79910 now, and I got a reply that said 'Thank you for registering, your ticket code will be on SMS 4, SMS Cost ?5.00. Party Details at and 3c LTD 02081148901.'

I also got SMS 2, but no sign of SMS1-3-4.

Its also worth noting that the initial message told me to call 61818 to turn off Adult Barring, which turned out to be the Parental Controls number, so people could always try calling this new number 61018 and see if it will let you do it over the phone ?

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:27 am
by Wendy
Hi All,

Just to set the record straight

1. I organised the previous BGAFD events and ticketing was via a PO Box or another postal address. People sent in cheques and an sae and once the cheque had cleared they were sent a ticket(s). It all seemed to work fine on this basis and the 'over 18' issue didn't enter into it.

2. Models got in for free if they were listed on the BGAFD. I even paid some travelling expenses if funds allowed.

3. Producers etc. could get in for free if they were well known. People calling themselves producers because they'd bought a camera from Dixons and photographed/videoed the odd girl, didn't.

4. I am not organising this one but am being consulted which is nice. I have had nothing to do with the selection of the venue or ticketing.

Wendy XXX

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:42 am
by Ron T. Storm
I would be more than happy to pay. My first camera did come from Dixons. Hahahaha.

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:35 pm
by planeterotica
Would it be possible to pay by another method other than by mobile phone as im on pay as you go and being a tight cunt i only put ?10.00 on at a time and that normally last me around three months it might get me into bad habbits putting ?20.00 on just to buy a ticket, what about if i promise not to sing and dance can i get in for nothing !cool!!love!!thumbsup!

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:44 pm
by Mr Mark
I'd happily pay online or by cheque, or on the door. Mobile phone!? - you're having a giraffe!

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:51 pm
by Pervert
Just as well I'm not going. I don't own, or intend ever owning, a molbile phone.

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:42 pm
by Ron T. Storm
Wow, it's great to finally find someone who doesn't own a mobile phone.

Re: Regarding BGAFD Party

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:54 pm
by Demitri