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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:03 am
by Katie Fox
hmm well i really feel for this individual, sounds like or she of course, is being victimised, shocking stuff!...Although you do seem to know a great deal about the person and the cancelled shoot mentioned, so i am very surprised you do not have an incline as to who this person could be!? by sheer chance, i had another performer arrange a shoot me with and some others and on the day of the shoot when it came to the day of the shoot and i'd travelled 100 miles this person neglected to tell me the shoot was indeed cancelled, instead completely ignored me, not so much as a text, not even an apology in the months since...nothing. Picture a poor sad blonde in train station sitting on her suitcase :( This 'person' is now having abit of a hard time so i hear now...

Definately not the same person...definately

Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:29 am
by randyandy
Self regulation is the best answer on top of that an organised body could be the best tool to take the industry further.

Regulation is a form of censorship so it will be ignored but proper regulation will help get the industry 'demystified'.

Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:55 am
by adultwebmaster
Hi Neil

I can understand and agree with BGAFD's policy for not naming and shaming here as it is a Models forum aimed at fans of the industry, but you can always feel free to post details at my new industry forum

I recently had a post there in May concerning a deranged stud who was threatening to seriously hurt other people in the industry and I believe any news (as long as it can be substantiated) which puts the health of anyone at risk, should be known to all and not locked away in private forums.

All the best


Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:11 am
by Snake Diamond
planeterotica wrote:

> Its probably not a good idea to name and shame anyone on a
> forum even if its one that is password protected as you could
> find yourself in court trying to prove your allegations, im not
> sure how you can draw up a black list of performers without
> leaving yourself open to libellous action unless of course you
> can prove what you are saying is the truth, i suppose a list
> could be drawn up of performers who are reliable and known to
> play by the rules and then if something came to light about a
> person they could be taken of the list without any reason given
> a bit like a black list in reverse but who would want the job
> of administering such a list, any volunteers !cool!

Yeah, it is difficult trying to make some form of protection for the Industry, while staving off prosecution for Liable, even if it seems the evidence is Proof. Well, I suppose running a White/Green List (Safe List) could be a good idea for all producers, as they know those who is on it, are supposedly safe, & booking them won't risk the health of any of the other performers used.

planeterotica wrote:

> Another thought has come to mind you could have a self
> regulated list or maybe an adult performers forum where models
> could update details of their last test including the date and
> name of the clinic where they were tested the date the certs
> were issued with the ref: number and the name of the person who
> signed them, it would only take models a few minutes to update
> their details and those that made a false representation would
> leave themselves open to court action from the clinics and
> fellow performers if they falsified details in order to gain
> work which would remain on the forum , this would make it easy
> to check when a model was last tested before you booked them or
> agreed to work with them, any model who works by the rules
> shouldnt mind doing this and if they couldnt be bothered then
> they shouldnt be surprised if they didnt get too many bookings,
> this may not solve the problem of STI's within the industry but
> it could help and it could help to eradicate the use of dodgy
> certs.

I thought that is why, a couple of yrs ago, there was going to be a website, or organisation setup to deal with this type of issue?

Does anybody remember ???

P.S. I've not hyperlinked the URL, as it doesn't exist any more.

This is what we're talking about!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:23 am
by Vinnie Bones
I have just been onto one of the well known sites, there is a girl on there advertising for shoots...... along with a link for her adultwork profile........ look what I came across in her FAQs

Q. Do you do bareback?
A. As a rule no, but if you want to ask feel free. please note it would be at an additional cost to rates. i will discuss that if it is necessary

This is outrageous!!!!!


Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:38 am
by adultwebmaster
Snake Diamond wrote:

Well, I suppose running a White/Green List (Safe List) could be a good idea for all producers, as they know those who is on it, are supposedly safe, & booking them won't risk the health of any of the other performers used.

Hi Snake

The main problem with that is Producers are probably not always the first to hear about problems arising.

Models and studs are much more likely to hear information concerning health issues due to the fact that they are working with multiple producers.

A White/Green List is a good idea, but models shouldn't be left out of the loop. Just as long as all facts can be proved, because at the end of the day, negative press effects peoples livelihoods.

All the best m8.


Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:42 am
by Cenobitez
Who polices the police ?