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Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:45 pm
by LaylaJade
Quote: whats really sad is that producers will be falling over themselves to book her, people will be flocking to SBs site to read it, more people desparate to write for the SB news page (as Layla proves) without caring a jot for the slur it does to our own nation.

what is she doing here is she hates it Britain so much. and why is kelly steele totally blocked from this site but bigoted rubbish like this is aproved?

Hey! It's not particularly nice for you to claim I am despeare to write for strictly news, it's hardly as if I need another column in all honesty.
I already write for Parade and AVN Insider and may be starting another column shortly for Excitement magazine in the USA. Honestly I did not read 'fifi's' column before I posted my reply which was silly of me, I scanned a couple of paragraphs, and posted a comment which was a very big mistake on my part.
What I was more interested in was the fact that Strictly's site was now up as I had already been in conversation with strictly news about becoming one of thier coulmists before the site went live, sadly in my hurry the only thing I managed to achive was embaressing myself and being called desperate by one of the fans!
Now that I have a while I will go back and read this stuff and find out what all the bother is about.

Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:57 pm
by LaylaJade
Ok well now I see what all the bother is, what a pathetic piece of writing that really is and yes I did make myself look like a total fool, when I scanned through that thing this morning (in my defense I had only just woken up) I actually thought it had something to do with iranians!

What makes the whole thing worse is that Fifi is not even a real person, this is merly someone who wants to slag of the Brit's (probably someone at SBB who even sadder still is British).
It's not funny, it's not nice and it won't get you any buisness.
It's probably being written by Kelly Steele!
Again sorry for my stupidity all I can do is offer you some free porn and promise to read things properly in the future before I post again :( ... eply_42585
free porn I posted for you all early on today.
Luv Lay xoxoxo

Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:16 am
by mrmcfister
People are daft if they think this woman is real..the States has NY..we have Great Yarmouth..nuff said!

Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:50 am
by doughdoughboy74
If SB has so much time on his hands to write that shit,put it up on there site then make us all aware about it then they cant be doing much buisiness lol

Why dont they concentrate on getting some decent titles instead of trying a kelley steele tactic and making themselves not only look desperate but an absolute laughing stock.

Do any of you take them seriously after reading that!!

Layla you dont have to apologise it is very clear to everyone here you have at least an ounce of decency where SB has about a microbe.

Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:22 am
by DanG
To quote Ripley in Aliens: 'Did IQs just drop suddenly while I was away?'

A blind man could see that this is meant to be a thinly-veiled dig at Kelly Steele, nothing more, nothing less. It's a parody...lighten up!

Having said that, Jerry is the number one contributor of trite, bleeding heart liberal PC hysteria to this forum, so there is a richly ironic sense of karma that he should now have to fend off accusations of racism and bigotry over something as innocent and trivial as this.

Re: Major LA porn star in UK

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:17 am
by Benny Brando
That's exactly how I interpreted it.

Create a stink and the bad publicity is better than no publicity scenario and then sit back and watch people post and keep the thread at the top of the forum and watch as some forumites and more than likely the many that lurk sign up to strictly broadband and watch the sales come in.

The sad part about is that it has actually worked and you could say it's a clever bit of marketing unless of course it pisses off more people than it attracts but only SB know that.