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Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:54 pm
by Autolycus
Savvas doesn't actually want "porn people" at the show. He never says it's a porn show in interviews, etc.

However, the show will continue because there is no alternaticve - the 18 Awards? Died a death... The Plus Show...died a death.

Savvas provides a service and people will continue to visit...

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:59 am
by Hell Kitten

Autolycus wrote:

> Savvas doesn't actually want "porn people" at the show.

That may be the case [and was totally the impression I got whilst at the event] but it's no justification for treating people in the way he has.

I was furious when I heard about the mistreatment of Starr, surely the security at the event should be working to protect and look out for the girls, not threaten, manhandle and place them in vunerable situations? It's disgusting.

After this I have no desire to return to Erotica, I basically refuse to support an event that condones this bullying, thuggish behavior and has an owner who cannot deal with such a minor mistake without going on some major power trip.

I think Nickelass has got it right.

x H

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:14 am
by JohnnyRebel
Jerry, welcome to the ranks of the 'Erotica exiles'! You are now in the company of Ben Dover, The Paul Raymond Organisation, Gordon Rondell, myself and countless others who have been 'banned' over the years!
Fuck Erotica, why don't you do what you mentioned to me before and do your own show, and do it at the same time as Erotica, then you-know-who will have an empty hall to himself and his goons!

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:06 am
by colin
what a very good idea ! but i would imagine costly to set up. i for one would rather go to an event run by people in the industry who appreciate their customers.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:19 am
by harmonyhex
It was a pleasure meeting with you and being on your stand Jerry and if people from the industry run their own event I will definitely be there!! I think people continue going to Erotica only because we don't really have an alternative over here so lets make one!! :o)

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:06 am
by Autolycus
It would cost about ?100,000 to host the show. Plus advertising, insurance etc. Also, I would bet that anyone with a "porn" background would not get a licence from the local council and that if you tried it in London most boroughs would say no.

This leaves out of town but judging by the lack of crowds at the Plus Show in Brighton and Manchester Erotica, London is the only place to hold you are back to the original London borough would give a licence for a real sex show.

Savvas sees Erotica as a couples show - he doesn't want porn models and the likes of John Mason, PRO etc there. He sees the porn as only a very small part of the show. I think that the terms of his licence mean that it cannot be more than 10 or 15 per cent of the stands...back to the original problem - no London borough will give a sex show a licence.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:45 am
by mrchapel
You`ll never know though if you don`t at least look into it. Yeah they might say no but they might also say yes. At the end of the day if it generates interest and cash they`ll consider it at the least.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:05 pm
by Paul Smith
A very sorry state of affairs, which reminds me of when 'The Booby Sisters' were physically removed from their stand and Erotica last year. I hope Starr's ok and AJ got shots of your 'unwanted guests' Jerry, and that some sort of resolution might be reached, as the situation benefits no one as it stands. :(

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:15 pm
by Phil mCc
The reason no one will boycot it because it makes money. When I had a few issues with Stavros he bared me from having a stand. the issues were I was making good money and he wanted to double my stand price and give me 2 meters more which I never wanted. I then went on to help out with 18 Pluss show, many people supported it and many did not. The thought that the industry would get together and do anything is a joke, Hot Rod sponsored the Edinburgh show they got barred from Erotica till the crawled and appologised, for Chris and Anna that was a big deal but they needed to do it and swallow their pride. Stavros even fucked off Private, he barred Ben Dover although thats not such a big deal as he at least went with a verbal abuse barrage.
We had Earls Court 2 lined up and Stewart who ran 18Plus was working on having a show there 2007. He was thrown out of Manchester incidentaly. ETO got barred and I think still are because of saying Stavros was naughty or something.
ETO are planning a show in Birminham for comsumers I hope, so lets hope they pull it off, and they are quite good at pulling one off. Jerry anything you need to know about this give me a buzz.
First step would be to have him booted out off the AITA I would support you on it, I may add he has never barred me or refused to give me a trade/press pass and personally he has never man handeled me or theatoned me. I never went this year because I am to busy planning 4 shows in 10 days in Vegas.

Phil McC

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:23 pm
by JohnnyRebel
Still I doesn't excuse 'the man', acting like a total dickhead!