Xperi Mental Tailer now available

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by lukeolson »

I find it more offensive the shear number of people on this forum who want to enforce their taste on everyone else.

It seems a BJ, straight sex and a facial is all people want on these forums.

it sucks.
MAI Productions
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by MAI Productions »

Well Well Well, this is getting very interesting.

Bob, the point I was making to you was not that you dont have the right to your opinion, as does everyone. But to moralise about your point makes you sound like you wish to be a censor which to me is whery "HYPOCRISY" comes in.

You have heard it straight from the horses mouth about the film being abusive, and Lolly I applaud you for joining this debate. Thanks babe

Sam Slater
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Sam Slater »

lukeolsen wrote:

[quote]Millions of people watch boxing, do they all crave to see bare fisted fights? or crave to see sword fights?......[/quote]

Ooooooh.......... Swordfights!!!!!!!! !oops!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Dickie Davies
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Dickie Davies »


All I am doing is expressing my opinion. I'm hardly trying to "impose my view". Others take a contrary position - that's their right.

As I said at the end of my last post - it's an interesting debate. Debate is the key word.

Hardly fascism, I'd suggest.
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by fayerampton »

let me set the recor straight in my eyes ! oh, please note my key between c an e is still not working ! im not runk !!!!
nige an onna i love both of you, i think you are both great people an am not slagging you off personally ! an u both better be at my party !!!!!!! see u there !!!!!!!!!!
i cant comment on ********** as ive never met him an im not one to slag off someboy ive never personally met !
but ! after chatting with several mates of mine in the nhs, enamas shoul not be given by unqualifie people, they can be very nasty for your health, infact lethal !!!!!
i also woner girls that partake in such films incluing max harcore films woul u still be able to o such things if you were not high on rugs ????
it seems girls cant o such scenes without taking chemical substances !
but ignoring all above i myself was a victim of sexual abuse etc at a young age , luckiuy he got put away but i worry that some men watching such films no matter how fake the scenes may be, to the viewer they are real, an i worry men wil see this as how women want it, so increasing violence against women !
just my personal view on all violent looking sex vieos, not a personal iss against this certain trailer ! or the lovely nige an onna !!!!
i have been active in the porn biz for over 6 years now an have manage it without oing such scenes myself !
but each to their own................ but can these girls o it without rugs ???????????? i woner.........................
Sam Slater
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Sam Slater »

You can get keyboards for under a fiver these days......

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Officer Dibble
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Officer Dibble ? In my opinion what a load of stereotypical bullshit"

Of course the image of the seedy perv is stereotypical. If I'd been even handed and objective it wouldn't have been half as much fun and it wouldn't have had the same kind of impact. But the negative image of the low rent perv is not entirely bull, it's generally accepted folk wisdom about social reality. But I do totally accept that some well-minted young stockbroker could just as well have these pervy inclinations. Hey, remember the film 'American Psycho', with Christian Bale? It dealt with just such a scenario and

"P.S. Isn?t porn there in the first place to test boundaries,"

Er, actually, no. It?s there to arouse and stimulate and make mucho mullah for the entrepreneur. If you want to ?test the boundaries? I?d have thought an art gallery or art house cinema might be more appropriate places to exhibit a work of this nature ? not some wanky sex shop frequented by shifty philistine punters. Yes, I reckon it would sit well in between the dead cows and piles of pony poo at one of those Tracy Emin gigs? Hey, I?m not being totally facetious here, I?m serious. To my mind this kind of work has little to do with sex (as it?s neither erotic nor sensual) and much more to do with making a statement. Maybe the art house cinema crowd would appreciate it more? Maybe they would ?get it??

Call me a weirdo if you will, but sex to me is simply shagging a nice, shapely, softly spoken lady. I don?t expect everyone to feel quite the same way, but hey, maybe the work in question is just one step beyond?

Officer Dibble

Sam Slater
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Sam Slater »

Lolly, I like your work, gorgeous girl, but your 'PS' statement sounds like you've been listening to Kelly Steele, regarding 'pushing bounderies'. This thought sends shivers down my spine........


[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Lolly Badcock
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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Post by Lolly Badcock »

Faye - never met you mate but how can you accuse me of taking drugs to do this sort of scene. Yes you did not mention my name directly but as good as. As you said you have not been on one of these sets so your jumping to assumptions, the performers who do these kinda scenes generally enjoy them....

Why is this so hard to understand?????????

Also how many times....there is no violence, we are all actors for fucks sake

All these comments are being based on a trailer and not the whole film, as we are all aware trailers are made to cause max impact which it has done.

Sexual abusers are more likely to have deep pyschological problems for many years than just watching a film like this on a Saturday then go out and abuse on a Sunday.

Pushing boundries maybe has been taken the wrong way i meant more along the lines of exploring with your fantasies and porn often allows these fantasises to be explored away from the norm sex with wife/girlfriend etc etc.

Lolly x