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Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:46 pm
by Joe A
Hey Brerbear.... Don't go too far or this thread will also be locked... :)

I just noticed that in your original post you missed out mentioning **********. He and I used to argue a lot on model forums but his move in to production from those days was great one. I really like his work as it seems to be the nearest I've seen so far to a US production made by a UK guy... This isn't showing any disrespect to my friends in the biz, as we've openly discussed his style amongst ourselves :)

And.. Someone here seems to find your style of writing similar to his.. Hmmmm. It's a shame that Rob is inactive at the moment as I for one look forwards to his return... And hopefully to him becoming involved with the project.

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:07 pm
by Joe A

I wasn't having a go but wondering if you were the one and same person.. LOL.

I appreciate and agree with a lot of comments you make. I thought it a shame that you were pushed to make a more personal attack than your usual rational reply... But having been in the same position in the recent past... I understand that feeling too well :)

Jaques is another who's replies are usually good, so it's a shame you two are now arguing...

And you're also right about me thinking that A and B could get on if it was for the benefit of all... That is just a dream :)

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:35 am
by Jacques
Well I'm big enough and man enough to offer you an aoplogy for that one - it was not aimed at you, but to the initial replyee to your original post. Unfortunately for me (and you) I posted it in Flat View.

I may not always agree with you but at least you put some thought into your posts. As for my posts O/T, well that's me, my politics, my humour and frustrations at life. I won't change and I will get 'modded' and I don't expect everyone to find me 'fluffy'.

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:16 am
by davewells
And until all this happens nobody will take the British industry seriously or more importantly make any serious money like what the yanks do ! The world wants our girls but not always our product. Unless it's cheap of course.

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:14 am
by jackjohnson
brerbear wrote:

> For your research, I said I was acting on behalf of a producer.

Of course you were mate

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:33 am
by jackjohnson
brerbear wrote:

> The fan site is next door jack. I think you can kiss ass there.
> Shame you can't handle me without resorting to personal insult.
> But I guess you're just some kind of frustrated nightclub
> bouncer or something. Is that why YOU hang around the forums?

The whole site is a fan site mate, read the faq and aside from that at the top it says promotions forum, the only thing you seem to be promoting is your own self righteous ego, its for producers and models to PROMOTE their work to the FANS - You obviously have made valid pointson this thread but since you don't fall into any catergory(fan, producer or model) what makes you an authority on all of this?

Hey I wasn't personally insulting you mate just stating a fact, you are the one that enjoys personally insulting the people who post on these forums all you have to do is take a look at your history.

Anyway your stimulation seems to be to get a rise out of people and i'm not stimulating your little fetish anymore, say as you wish but the truth hurts.

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:04 pm
by one eyed jack
Well well well...It appears you are also interesting when wound up Brerbear. getting a tad personal arent you?

For all your reasoned arguments, your attack betrays you as a tightly wound up individual who may have good reason for having a gripe or two at the industry but I dont think that gives you a license to attack all and sundry with your comments...and for your info I'm not a frustrated night club bouncer....You seem to be more frustrated than me and probably have good reason to be if you've been made bankrupt by the very business you seem to have contempt for..

We really could get into a pissing contest about all this but why bother? Its boring and no one ever really wins. I set about volunteering an answer defending someone from your initial post on this thread by inviting you to take it over to the producers forum but you choose to have it out here in the most inappropriate of places (thanks for pointing that out jack johnson)...and furthermore, I dont really need to answer to you anyway, especially when you hide behind an anonymous profile.

If you had any real courage and stand for what you believe in you would declare who you are...You know who I am so I feel I dont need to regard your offensive comments anymore than i would a troll or an inadequate faceless keyboard warrior.

Besides, if you've been made bankrupt twice (nearly or whatever) maybe you should consider another platfrom to flex your talents in.

Re: Producers For A Pint? Why Bother?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:24 am
by John Mason
Ok, here is a serious question: Why should I join your group?