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Re: Attn: EMPREX

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:45 pm
With respect, surely the provocation of debate is the whole point of
any public and information forum.

Nowhere in my posts have I raised nothing but the facts. I come to
this board for information and data.

It's a great resource. For example I have searched high and low for
any productions by Joe A.

From the posts I have read I assumed that he was a main player in the

So why do these guys need the protection of the administrators from
us the buying public.

Why can't they simply post the facts about their work as opposed to their fantasies.

I have in no way used abusive language and have expressed my opinion
in a clear and concise manner.

Is this against your policy or are you controlled by this clan of interested parties.


Re: producers for a pint 2...this time its personal

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:13 pm
by one eyed jack
EMPREX: Yes I am one of the general public and a buyer and lover of porn.
I'm the kind of guy you guys need to sell to.

OEJ: Yes but...what has that got to do with the UK Adult Producers? You buy the end product if you like it has no bearing on what we do to achieve creating it.

EMPREX:Socialsing and having a drink is cool with me but why all the
bullshit about how you are gonna change the UK Porn scene.

OEJ:Who said we were going to change the UK porn scene? I merely stated that together we can make it a bit easier for us as producers by collectively joining together for various ventures.

EMPREX:And the thought of you guys having orgies puts me in mind of this link ... G_2026.htm

OEJ:Yes...Very funny...I did see the funny side of that. If thats how you see us then thats ok by me.

EMPREX:Or is this one of your ground-breaking ideas about shooting the
models a bit cheaper by having a collective session.

OEJ:Not as far as I know. We are still doing our own individual productions.

EMPREX:Why the interest? Are you saying that the consumers of porn
shouldn't be interested in the business?

OEJ:Not when you are hostile and looking to provoke producers into an all out slanging match with your rhetorical questions

EMPREX:I'm not offering any respect. I just want to spend my cash on what I love. Good Porn. Simple as that.

OEJ:Then continue to do so...What again has that got to do with knowing and ridiculing what we are trying to do behind the scenes?

One Eyed Jack, at least seems to be getting on with it but I've still
yet to hear what "wonder content" is currently being offered by "Our
leader Joe A"

OEJ:I will defend Joe A vociferously here in that he has been instrumental in helping us all out and has the time as such to keep things in motion where as us producers have struggled a bit because we are committed to doing our own productions too....

OEJ:I can see we are under attack again and this is why we set up the forum so we didnt have toput up with hecklers like you Brerbear and Mad Burt and I wont be entertaining your questions any further as I feel if you think we are a waste of time already. I just hope you continue to enjoy the end product without thinking about the politics behind it.

Re: Attn: EMPREX

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:32 pm
by Joe A

Here are 3 BGAFD Dvd's of mine

Plus I have had my name on the credits of a few programmes aired on adult channnels and other peoples Dvd's... I've been published in Desire and Forum magazines. I've been filmed for terrestial tv more than once about the industry. Last year I was even on a Radio 1Xtra documentary about the biz apart from appearing in the Ch 4 doc "diary of a porn virgin."

I'm behind a few different things, but till now have kept quiet as most see from the little help I try to give here now and again.. I don't just talk, I do have some knowledge :)

And finally... Here's a little piece about me on YNOT, published in Dec 2004:

I hope that this has satisfied your craving for knowledge about me, and you won't become a stalker... LOL.

Re: Attn: EMPREX

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 2:42 pm
OMG 3 dvds????

Now i really am confused i thought you had a whole host of stuff i didnt know about cos i do buy insane amounts of porn and thought i might of had some of your groundbreaking titles in amongst them.

So where can i buy your stuff Mr A??

and whats comming out next???

Fair questions i would wager without upsetting anyone :)


Re: Attn: EMPREX

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:05 pm
by Joe A

Do you read any replies in this thread properly ?

Quote "If you can't express a negative opinion without trying to provoke someone, more of your posts will be removed."

I and the others have been as polite as possible with our replies, yet you continue to provoke.... My cv speaks for itself. I have nothing else to prove to you...

Please continue your insults etc. to all of us, as I for one won't be answering you again.

Re: producers for a pint 2...this time its personal

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:49 pm
''Personally I don't think the likes of 'Emprex' (probably some sad jumped up little anorak who still lives with his Mummy and goes through a box of Kleenex a week) should be responded to.''

That is laughable!!!!

As for a jumped up anorak....calling the kettle black springs to mind!!!

Never once did i resort to calling anyone anything i stated FACTS something i was asking others to do so that fans which is what this site is all about can learn and read with interest what you producers do.

But then the buying public are not important are they???