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Re: Bamboo

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:15 am
by David Johnson
Thanks for posting something that backs up my post i.e. you are a drama queen who goes into a huff because people post something e.g. an insult of Maggie Thatcher that you don't agree with.


Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:21 am
by David Johnson
"There's lots of shite chiselled on it but it's the kind of vague cack that Dave used to like spouting."

Sticks and stones, Bamboo, sticks and stones. Content, intelligence, reasoned argument are what impresses me. Meaningless insults spewed out are a tad juvenile, don't you agree?

Re: Essex Lad

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 7:57 am
by Essex Lad
The Bullingdon Club has 30 members. Not sure about you but there were 33 boys in my class at school and I certainly didn't like all of them.

Regarding Boris's claim, Jimmy Savile claimed that he spent every Christmas last Chequers with Mrs Thatcher. That wasn't true either...


Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:07 am
by David Johnson
"another referendum is on the cards - well two actually - UK out of europe and scotland out of the UK....."

With regard to another Scottish referendum - I don't think so. Sturgeon was correct in saying the general election was not about a Scottish referendum vote. The SNP lost the referendum vote 45 to 55%. The reason that they won so many seats in the Westminster election is obvious. If you have 45% of the general election vote you will inevitably win shedloads of votes because the pro-union vote will be split between Tories, Labour, UKIP, Lib Dems etc.

What I expect to happen now is that Cameron will give the SNP sufficient devolution so that they can no longer blame everything that goes wrong in Scotland on Westminster. Although Sturgeon has been ferociously backing away from full devolution of late because she realises the oil price slump blew a hole in her spending plans, I suspect the Tory government will push extra devolution powers Scotland' way.

When that happens, the Scottish electorate will finally cotton on to the fact that Nicola Sturgeon is Nick Clegg in knickers.

Last Thursday is as good as it gets for the SNP. From now on, I think it will be downhill for the SNP when reality kicks in.


Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:21 am
by sparky
David Johnson wrote:

> What I expect to happen now is that Cameron will give the SNP
> sufficient devolution so that they can no longer blame
> everything that goes wrong in Scotland on Westminster.
> Although Sturgeon has been ferociously backing away from full
> devolution of late because she realises the oil price slump
> blew a hole in her spending plans, I suspect the Tory
> government will push extra devolution powers Scotland' way.

Indeed the best reaction by Cameron & Co to the Scotch would be more devolution and less money. I never understood why in the run-up to the referendum so much effort was put into campaigning against independence as overall what benefit to England, Wales and Northern Ireland does Scotland have? Back then before the oil price collapse I puzzled how the SNP and more to the point the Scotch people in general thought they could balance the books but their problem ....


Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 2:37 pm
by David Johnson

It is easy to sound a hero when you can convince the electorate that you are not responsible for the country's failings. That is what Salmond and Sturgeon have been doing for years. After all, this is what politicians always try to do.

Give them sufficient power so that they cannot use that excuse any more and the SNP will be revealed for what they actually are. - a centre left party with a great deal in common with Labour.