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Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:57 pm
by 3SS
You posted mere minutes after he announced he was leaving. I do believe coincidences happen, but you cant blame us for being suspicious of that

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:02 pm
by tinykiki66
i don't blame you guys for being suspicous. but it's 4:45pm. people log on everyday at that time. i'm just telling you that give him one more chance. i swear he's a sweet guy. i don't want to be on this fourm because i don't like porn. it's gross, but that's all he likes to talk about. back when we were in school, most of his friends was women because he never felt comfortable around men. he was shy and introverted. he also used to beat himself up so bad why he could'nt get a date. i held him in my arms as he would cry and ask me why don't anybody love me??? i'm so ugly. and i would wipe the tears from his eyes and tell him that he was a handsome man and some lucky woman would date him. i never thought of him in that way because i've known him since he was 5. 3SS, give him another chance, i'm sure you two would hit it off. please. just don't critique him, he don't take criticism very well. me and his cousin now have to cheer him up because he's right now in his room sulking. just be nice to him and i'll talk to him.

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:42 am
by Milk Tray Man
!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Sock puppet alert!!

As phoney as a glass eye.

Re: mount bluewomble858 errupts

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:57 am
by Peter
You are Grant Shapps and I claim my ?5