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Great link!

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:04 pm
by Gentleman
Thanks..can't find the petition that's mentioned, any ideas where it is?

Re: Benefits Street

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:57 pm
by Cuntybollocks
Yes, that's all very well but you see they all have one thing in common. They pay tax. Not as much as they should, but they still pay tax.

Now, Joe plebe who is not entitled to certain benefits (but is claiming them anyway) pays no Tax.

So one pays tax and is NOT breaking the law, the other pays no tax and IS breaking the law.

Do you follow?

Re: Benefits Street

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:30 pm
by Gentleman
So if joe pleb could afford someone to arrange it for him to claim the benefits he isn't entitled to but in such a way that it's still technically correct you wouldn't mind that given your example?

Re: Benefits Street

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:27 pm
by Fred
As the website says: Yes, benefit fraud is bad news and we should seek to reduce it. But shouldn't our priority be on eliminating subsidies to the rich that cost us 54? as much?


Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:52 am
by David Johnson
This is one of the most hopelessly confused posts I have read on here.

"Yes, that's all very well but you see they all have one thing in common. They pay tax. Not as much as they should, but they still pay tax."

I like the bit about" they pay tax, not as much as they should". It's a bit like saying that burglars own most of what they own, but not as much as they should. Tax evasion is a criminal offence. Tax avoidance morally stinks and neither Labour nor Tory governments have done anywhere near enough to clampdown on it. What is beyond question is that benefit fraud by the unemployed is a minute amount compared to tax fraud. If tax evasion and tax avoidance loopholes were closed down, the deficit would most probably be sorted.

" Now, Joe plebe who is not entitled to certain benefits (but is claiming them anyway) pays no Tax."

This is where your confusion is most obvious. You have been taken in completely by the government and media con. Benefits Street is a programme which concentrates on the unemployed. Employed people in the street were videoed at length but cut from the programme. The con is to imply BENEFITS=UNEMPLOYED. In parts of the country, particularly the south east and London, there are far more workers on benefits e.g. child benefits, child tax benefits, working tax credits, housing benefit and PAYING TAXES than there are unemployed. So people who work also get benefits and pay tax.

" So one pays tax and is NOT breaking the law, the other pays no tax and IS breaking the law."

Again total confusion. Some rich people break the law with tax evasion. Tax avoidance is purely tax evasion for which the government has not closed the loophole.

" Do you follow?"

No comment!!!

Re: Cunty

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:28 pm
by Dave Wells
Err, exactly DJ. You seem to have baffled yourself Cunty !
Rich people are far worse a danger to society by order of theft then all of that street (and all the others) put together !

Re: Cunty

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:07 pm
by Cuntybollocks

Are the people in this link Tax AVOIDERS or Tax EVADERS?


Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:52 pm
by David Johnson
Never mind the sigh, Cunty. You just try to remember that many, many people who pay tax are also on benefits i.e. you are talking crap in your earlier post.

In answer to your question, they are clearly tax avoiders i.e. parasites. With regard to tax evaders, I don't know. This may surprise you, Cunty but people who are multi-millionaire/billionaire tax evaders tend not to invite Channel 4 cameras into their gaffs while they set up an illegal offshore deal. It's rather a different crime to knocking off clothes from High Street shops. !wink!

Secondly, Cunty, the link Fred provided is about the TOTALITY of tax avoidance/evasion. Don't get obsessed by the individuals, Cunty. Leave that to when you are watching Coronation Street. By the government's own tax figures, the tax gap (the difference between what they should be getting in compared to what they actually get in is ?35 billion a year.

Re: Cunty

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:22 pm
by Cuntybollocks
"In answer to your question, they are clearly tax avoiders"

Thank you.

Now, what they do is NOT illegal. Claiming benefits you are not entitled to IS illegal.

Thank you for helping me clear this up. Now go and waffle on to someone that gives a shit.

This will be my last post on the subject. Please feel free to have the last word, I know it's important to you !laugh!

Confused Cunty

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:00 pm
by David Johnson
Oh Cunty, like a number of people on this forum you cannot defend your argument due to you being totally confused and lacking understanding of the topic you are talking about.

Inevitably, you reach for the insults to bail yourself out.

So to summarise your post

" They pay tax. Not as much as they should, but they still pay tax."

Correct but hilarious. They are still parasites for avoiding hundreds of millions of pounds of tax and that is what Fred's link is about - Parasite Street which you respond to.

"Joe plebe who is not entitled to certain benefits (but is claiming them anyway) pays no Tax."

Wrong! The vast majority of people do not commit benefit fraud. It's a miniscule amount compared to tax fraud and there are millions who claim benefits And pay tax.

"So one pays tax and is NOT breaking the law, the other pays no tax and IS breaking the law."

Wrong. See above.

I will leave you to a final word now. I know how important that is to you.
