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Re: Gentleman

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:25 am
by Essex Lad
David Johnson wrote:

> !laugh! !laugh!

See ? I was right. He was unable to understand it so has to resort to childish emoticons. And then probably ran away screaming like a little girl... or as someone based not too far from him might say like a big girl's blouse.

Dear Potty Mouthed Forumite

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:42 am
by David Johnson
So to summarise your point put in mind numbingly, endless, tedious detail -

The police tend to favour prosecution of people who they think might be found guilty.

Thanks for that revelation.

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:18 pm
by mrchapel
Yeah but is it worth spending millions pursuing and prosecuting someone in their late 80`s early 90`s so they can spend 18 months in jail

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:15 am
by cockneygeezer2009
"Yeah but is it worth spending millions pursuing and prosecuting someone in their late 80`s early 90`s so they can spend 18 months in jail"
For the victims. Yes. Hasn't Hall's sentence been increased?

What's age got to do with it? Only if you are very ill or on death's door do you escape a prison sentence.

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:18 pm
by mrchapel
And how`s the sentence length help the victims. How does it help them "Heal " faster if he spends another 6, 12 or 18 months inside?
The courts are supposed to deal justice not satisfy victims or the publics thirst for revenge. I`m still gunshy about trusting a prosecution service that can go after alleged sex offences from 40 years with no evidence but are stumped when they`ve got a video of a copper murdering Ian Tomlinson

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:07 pm
by cockneygeezer2009
"And how`s the sentence length help the victims".

Ok from now on no one goes to prison.

"The courts are supposed to deal justice"
Justice is being served in Hall's case and he can appeal which he won't.

"I`m still gunshy about trusting a prosecution service that can go after alleged sex offences from 40 years with no evidence but are stumped when they've got a video of a copper murdering Ian Tomlinson".

Hall pleaded guilty and the jury didn't find copper who assaulted Tomlinson guilty. Strange but true (unless i'm wrong). What you say about Hall could be said about Saville too. Also about all date rape cases (no evidence). I think you are on much stronger ground if only 1 or 2 women complained about Hall. However we ain't ever gonna agree on Hall.

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:40 pm
by Cynical Sids Old Pal
Not long enough for the scum.Hope he enjoys his time,specially after he denied it at first.Perhaps he will get out before he dies.

Re: Stuart Hall,sentence doubled.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:39 am
by beutelwolf
cockneygeezer2009 wrote:

> .....for starters its all based on things
> that happened
> forty years ago ! ...

> Can't believe you put that on a forum. Makes you look like
> you're in favour of sexual abuse.

Well, I agree with frankthring on that one. Prosecuting crimes 40 years after the events is generally deeply problematic. For crimes of the most serious kind, i.e. genocide and murder, one might make an exception - or possibly if the authorities at the time perverted the course of justice, halting prosecutions of people they wanted to protect. I don't think that was the case with Mr Hall, not so sure regarding Jimmy Saville...

In this case this appears all rather vindictive to me.
And these emotive victim statements move the lot dangerously close to Jeremy Kyle territory.