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Re: Unemployment

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:46 am
by thealtruist
Flipper? Did you choose that name because you're flippant?

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:05 am
by Essex Lad
thealtruist wrote:

> Flipper? Did you choose that name because you're flippant?

Or have the understanding of a dolphin?

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:07 am
by Flipper
Dolphins are the most intellegent cunts on the planet ya mug

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:48 am
by Gentleman
Snigger...go on say "bruv" as well as people can't think your any more stupid.

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:50 pm
by Essex Lad
Flipper wrote:

> Dolphins are the most intellegent cunts on the planet ya mug

Yes, of course they are. That's why they invented television, drive cars, make blockbuster films and fly to the moon.

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:46 am
by ninasbest
Yeah they dont count all the "Disabled" Brits with there lazyitus, sorry severe fatigue syndrome, bad legs, bad arms, nerves, bipolar, nervous complaints, mental health, drug problems, alcholics, blah blah blah, should ship these useless fuckers out what use are they and get some more foreighners in
Theyve fucked this country up with all their made up ailments
Maybe get rid of all these indian doctors as well that gave them these labels
Useless that others have to keep
"I CANT WORK BECAUSE" because blah blah

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:09 pm
by Flipper
Hoy Essex Lad! Try doing all that lot you mentioned without opposable thumbs. Its easy for you to call us dolphins stupid. We aint fick bruv! I could drive a car to the moon, make a cheese sandwich and do brain surgery and shit like that if some cunt could adapt the controls and instruments to accomodate flippers and tailfins. We just feel frustrated cos all we get to do is swim around in aqauriums with balls on our noses (no gay jokes please) while you landlubbers take all the credit. I could have driven a car if they acknowledged Dolphinism as an actual disability and gave me one of those blue three-wheelers (1970s disabled cars rather cruelly referred to as spakka chariots by you human cunts) that I could control with sonar clicks and my tail.

I would say I am ultra intellegent because the Jobcentre have not yet figured out how to get me to sign on as I cannot hold a biro between my slippery fins. I prefer to call them my arms. Thalidomide victims call them arms so I think I should be allowed to call mine arms. Sorry that was a sick comment, but hey what do ya expect from a thick dolphin.

My mate is a Scottish Terrier and he got his money straight away. Mind you he is Scottish, black and has no idea who is father is so he gets priority. Oh and he barks at night and licks his own nuts so to be honest he should be in a special hospital.

I rest my case mi lud!

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:29 pm
by Flipper
Not a very coherent argument Ninasbest but I think we get the drift. I take it you are dissattisfied with immigration policies and such like?

Well you should try being a fuckin Dolphin mate. All them Killer Whales keep stealing our fuckin jobs. They get it both ways cos they are half black and half white. Loads of them Killer Whales are on the sick and there is nothing wrong with them. I saw one of them pretending to walk with a stick, and then put arm bands on to swim five lengths. Then he rolled over and clapped his fins together expecting me to applaud him, which I did because he balanced a beachball on his nose, and lets be honest that is hard and deserves a clap

Yep its a sad state of affairs. I am not sure what to recommend. I would vote UKIP but disagree with their foreign fisheries policy. I am swimming off to Portugal soon anyway.

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:37 pm
by Gator
The whole process of getting a job is completely fucked from top to bottom these days.

In the FOUR YEARS that I have been unemployed I have been for 50 or so interviews (out of thousands of applications) and in that time I have been interviewed mainly by women. Only a couple were by men.

And here is the stinger:

Women WILL NOT hire men. Women feel threatened by men. They know how to control and manipulate other women. Men who DO get the job will more than likely be gay, and therefor not a threat to them.

Don't believe me. Walk into your local Boots or Semi Chem. Count how many male employees there are. Take a stroll down your high street (what's left of it) and count all the employees you see and then work out the male/female ratio.

I went for a long induction with Lloyds a while back. It was a large call centre in which I observed about 300 staff members. At least 240 of them were women. That's 80%. This is not merely coincidence...this is positive discrimination working against itself. All the supervisors were female, most of the men I saw were extremely camp, and the induction was held by a committee of women. I did not get that job.

A month earlier...I went for a job interview with Amazon. I nailed the interview, took charge of the group activities etc. I was interviewed by...a committee of women. I did not get that job.

I went for a job interview at a library. It was 9:30 in the morning. I was interviewed by 2 middle-aged women. There was no way in hell they were going to give me that job. One of them was pissed already.

Another factor that needs to be abolished is the fact that a bad manager will not hire someone who is smarter than them. A good manager will surround themselves with someone who they feel is equal to them and will drive their company forward. A poor manager, out of fear of being usurped, will deliberately surround themselves with people that they feel are inferior to them. They want to impress their superiors, they don't want you to.

Something else that is becoming more common is for employers to ask for a recent pic when submitting an application form. This ought to be illegal as it can lead to premature judgement of one's character based on their appearance. It's just plain wrong.

The people doing the interviews don't really want someone who will be good at the job, or someone who has experience and knows what they are doing, they just want someone who will do what they are told. If you have a decent education they will feel threatened by that and will not take you on board.

And that is why there is so much dysfunction in virtually every workplace.

And that is why the world is so fucked-up.

Re: Unemployment

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:29 pm
by thealtruist
You've got a very good point, there. One question I've been asked every time is "what am I like at following orders?". They just want a whipping boy.