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Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:45 pm
by Phil Phee
Turn it in, Uncle Albert - you took the "queen's shilling", after all. Why did you join the army - as a 'back office' REME - if you weren't prepared for war? It was a 'just war', to defend British sovereign territory.

Fookin part time hawk, part time dove.

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:59 pm
by RoddersUK
You don't get it do you, you muppet.
There was no justification for that war as it was avoidable and the Argies wouldn't have invaded if their arses had been kicked early on.
As for REME, they are with every unit of the Army and there is a roll of honour. REME soldiers get killed in action as well, so don't decry them you bastard !!

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:44 am
by spider
"any 78 year old woman".

That's a seasonally adjusted figure.

You know like she used to seasonally adjust the unemployment figures when she was in power.

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:03 pm
by Cuntybollocks
I have reread your post again 2nfro, and i just can't believe you would wish someone dead?. Such bitterness ain't good for the soul. You may not have agreed with her policies, but wishing a person dead is beyond the pale. She is afterall a daughter, sibling and mother.

Re: Thatcher and her legacy...

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:30 am
by beutelwolf
The "white-collar workplace" is just the flipside of the decline in industry, and the rise of the banking sector - leading all the way to that 2007 crash. And the increase in home ownership contributed to that as well.

And then she led the way to lots of privatisations of services that IMO should have stayed public, e.g. public transport, or water supply. That raised a little money short term, with a lot of costs long term. That she got away with that led subsequent governments (yes, I mean you, New Labour) to copy this fuck-the-future strategy.

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:27 am
by tommy dickfingers
have a good read of the newspapers today,falkland files released today show that maggie had 2 days notice that an invasion might happen.

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:11 pm
by william
You can also see that she took a hard line against the yanks... would the current PM or Blair have done so ?

No Thatcher did do right in the Falklands and she also took the french to task about supplying the argies exorcet missiles.....

she may have had her faults but by heck she was shrewd

Re: Thatcher , Recovers WHY !!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:22 pm
by william
Made a lot of money ?

Hard work and determination and following the policies of Thatcher, a true leader ! if it wasnt for her we would still be stuck in the 70's with industrial relations a mire of jumped up trade unionists looking out for themselves.

They were just as bad as the leaders....

Thatcher selling the council houes was a master stroke - it allowed people to buy thier own properties and released the council from maintaining them. It brought a period of growth. It also ensured that those that had their own houses thought twice about striking. All well when the council paid your rent when you were on strike but when you had a loan from the bank you had to work or lose the house......

The car industry was saddled with inefficiencies and people that would like it if we all still bought rust buckets, the japs came in and forced the car industry to wake up and if we had not been saddled by a unionistic workforce it may have moved with the times and we could have remained a formidable producer. We couldnt keep up with the Japs ? What about VW BMW Merc Audi Fiat and all those other industries ?

Re: Thatcher , Treated where?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:53 pm
by milton
Now that she is out of hospital there is no security reason for continuing secrecy over the hospital in which she was treated. Bearing in mind that she was working to destroy the NHS ( see recent revelations under the 30year rule) that continuing secrecy suggests that she might have been treated in an NHS hospital. Have the press been gagged or don't they know?