What a blinkered view you have on the British bobby. What's to say that PC Smith hasn't done 12 years in the Royal Marines and is hard as nails? What's to say PC Patel isn't extremely good at defusing aggressive situations/drunken nobs?
6 foot is fuck all nowadays anyway. The average height for a male in the UK is 5 foot 9 inches, a massive 3 inches difference.
Like I said before, I'm 6 foot 5. So in your great hypothetical situation, I'd batter your 6 foot Swiss PC, no probs.
In relation to the recent tragedy, I'll partially quote Brick Top..'I don't care if you're Mohammed "I'm hard" Bruce Lee', you, nor anyone else for that matter, however fucking tall they are, are not walking away from being shot 5 or 6 times and being caught in a grenade blast.
Just out of interest, are there any women in your wonderful, perfect, elite police service? They're probably back at the station making tea and lunch etc. I say that, because, as you know, women only got the vote nationally, in 1971 and in some cantons, in 1990! But hey, that's the progressive, perfect society you live in.
Here's your perfect justice system at work
Our own Police service isn't perfect and has messed up fairly often e.g. cover ups, racism, deaths in custody etc. but get your own house in order, before you start having a pop at ours.
Anyway, I'll let you get back to polishing your 3rd Reich gold bars, whilst you dream of joining either the Swiss Army, or the Swiss Police.
Manchester Police
Re: William
1910 was 102 years ago not 112, thankfully your typo wasn't admitted as evidence!