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Re: Beating anxiety...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:11 pm
by mrmcfister
It may be a chemical imbalance in the brain so ultimately you may need some medicine.If not a bit of education in how to look at things a bit differently.At it's most simple is your glas half empty or full.Your GP is the place to start and you are entitled to a course of free counselling/talking therapy as a starter.Some good ideas are above and exercise is very important.Alcohol is a depressant ultimately too so think about your intake.

Re: Beating anxiety...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:17 pm
"Well certain members of this porn forum knew a little more about clinical psychology than you did"

Umm are you referring to yourself?

You don't seem to know PTSD is not clinical anxiety.

Are you saying you have diagnosed Max with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the paragraph above?

That certainly is quite an amazing diagnosis, you must indeed know a lot about clinical psychology in order to diagnose a man you have never seen or met from around 120 words posted offhand on a porn forum, I suggest you present this thread to the Lancet for publication, lol.

"Are you inadequate because you have a small penis maybe?"

What do they sday about men who talk about small penises?

My advice to Max, give it another 20 years and see what the lay of land is then !oldie!

Re: Beating anxiety...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:30 pm
"I didn't diagnose anybody and I did not say that PTSD was clinical anxiety.
I was talking in a very general sense about what anxiety and neurosis are and that they can be rooted in the past. I did not say, Max you are suffering from this this and this."

No you said all neurosis are rooted in the past.

"The basis of any neurosis is about cognitive repetition of past events or thoughts"


In order to directly contradict this

"a future-oriented mood state in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events"

(Clinical definition of anxiety)

Maybe read what you already posted first?

Re: Beating anxiety...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:36 pm
Is it? Lol.

Re: Jim..

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:59 pm
by jimslip
I suspect someone's already said this, but your first port of call should be your GP. Yes I know most of them are narrow-minded twats and are usually writing a prescription before you've even sat down, but it's still worth a try!

This is the basic signs he/she will look for:

