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Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:29 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]A culture cannot be immoral, only people can be immoral.[/quote]

But a culture can encourage, or tolerate immoral acts and so should not be immune to criticism.

[quote]Mind you Christianity is probably the most lethal, mendacious, double-delaing philosophy in the history of human-kind.[/quote]

There you go, Keith. I support your right to hold and express that view. Tell me, would a Muslim be subliminally racist for saying what you've just said?

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:36 pm
by arseneltic
I have to agree but I am far less likely to be beheaded by a christian fundamentalist than an islamic one.

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:53 pm
by Sam Slater
Why don't you answer my question first, Keith?

Play fair.

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:41 pm
by Sam Slater
I don't see why you're bringing truth into it now. Your reply to Russ in this thread jumped straight in at 'subliminal racism' when encountering anyone criticising other cultures. I have no problem with your #3 because I think it's ok to point out the flaws of cultures and religion.

Regarding number 3, though: Are you sure you mean "Christianity is probably the most lethal, mendacious, double-delaing philosophy in the history of human-kind."? Throwing your previous statement about cultures not being immoral but people, don't you mean that 'some people who just happened to be Christian are probably the most lethal, mendacious, double-dealing philosophers in the history of human-kind.'?

Re: John Howard's message to the Muslims

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:44 pm
by Russ
Tom Old Son,

You don't understand that the violence that is often done in the name of my faith is done my those who choose to misread/misinterpret what Book says. The Book actually places Jesus as the second most important prophet of history, and it states that the Christians, Jews and Muslims are brethren.

The bad done by Muslims in the world is done as a result of their perceptions of injustice. For example, The Yanks regularly drop bombs on wedding parties on the AfPak border. D'you think the survivors/relatives will look kindly at those they see as Murderers?

Our guys and gals behave outstandingly, the Yanks would do well to follow our example. But they don't, and they are sowing the seeds...

Even though you write a lot of crap, I don't think you're in danger of beheading! Please try and find out more about Muslims, their faith and their perceptions of injustice. As I said before, it's wrong to tar a faith (and all faiths preach peace, not war) because of the actions of a few headcases.

But don't talk to the extremist nutters, they're not Muslims, just a lot of wankers