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Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:13 pm
by davey

what is it about him that the establishment fear so much?i have been watching QT for around ten years and have never seen such a handpicked biased audience and the other panelists gang up against one of the others before.for 50 minutes they were like a pack of wild dogs trying to force him to admit he was racist and that he denied the holocaust but were unable to manage it.he knew what he was going into but he must have been pissing himself as he left .for the first time ever he was given a platform on national telly to air his many people knew what it says in the Koran about stoning rape victims to death?he made his point about the British people never being asked if they wanted a multicultural society or why wasnt there an option to call yourself English on the census form.the young lad i drive to work with is completely politically naieve but he wondered why that was?he had never thought of it until he heard griffen last he wants to know more about the BNP's policies.And his point about how insulting it is to say to the English.Irish,scots,welsh that they are not the indigenous people and have no more rights then anyone else to be here.for all the abuse he suffered he got his point across and that is exactly what the left did not want.what have the BNP gone through this week?another leaked membership list,the attack from the generals,the undercover film on Thames news,the BNP website going down under DOS attack,a violent demonstration by the UAF who are supposed to be tolerant peaceful members of the left seen attacking the police, trying to prevent freedom of speech ,and a baying mob on QT and still Griffen got his message across.
i went to a funeral today of my mates uncle.lovely old boy who served in the Buffs in WWII and saw action at El-Alemain,Tobruk and Crete where he was captured and spent 3 years in a P.O.W camp.there were a few of his old comrades there all in there late 80's and 90,s now.after we went to the British Legion club for a few bevvies where naturally there were lots of ex servicemen.The majority of people both men and women had something to say about last night.a couple of the old boys talking about the war had nothing but praise for the commenwealth troops they fought with especially the Sikh's but remarked that whatever we fought for it certainly wasnt a multicultural/multiracial society.Another said it wasnt for Muslims to come here and blow us up and tell us what to do and how to live.another said they were told they were fighting for 2 reasons.the first that the Germans were an agressive enemy and if we didnt fight them abroad we would have to fight them here and the second was to preserve our way of life not to change it to what it is now.Now these blokes were real heroes who had fought in the 8th army,Normandy and Arnhem and others who had served in the forces since.there may well be servicemen who dont agree with what Griffen has to say but the ones i spoke to today had the feeling that Griffen had some good points to say.Griffen was seen as the underdog last night swamped by opponents and still he got his views over to millions of people.the left must be absolutely furious that despite their efforts they were not able to stop him and that must be hard for them to accept.i heard on the radio today that the BBC are making plans to have the BNP back on again maybe this time it will be the other MEP Andrew Brons.
i myself didnt think Griffen came across too well.he shouldnt have tried to be all matey with the others.he should have attacked back as he was never going to get a fair hearing, however he has mastered the politicians art of skillfully ducking questions but has a long way to go until he is as good at it as straw and Blair. i think that was a watershed for the far right last night.they are now part of the mainstream and all that free publicity will inevitably have gained them some more support.
the best summing up was by one of the old boys today.
"you have got straw whose dad was so grateful to this country and loved it so much that he refused to fight for it,the black American women telling us we are not English as we all come from africa , the muslim woman telling us there is no such thing as a bogus asylum seeker all slagging off Griffen whose dad actually fought for this country and who is standing up for the indigenous Brits.Bunch of cunts".couldnt have put it better myself really.
As always for me though the best part today is listening to the hysterical rantings of the left when they realize they just cant stop Griffen and they cant stop people listening to him.I just watched him on the news now and he is having another pop so obviously doesnt give a fuck.oh well never mind lefties must try harder

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:35 pm
by David Johnson
Hi Davey,
As you know, I always like to add a bit of balance to your posts. So here we go, Davey.

"what is it about him that the establishment fear so much?i have been watching QT for around ten years and have never seen such a handpicked biased audience and the other panelists gang up against one of the others before.for 50 minutes they were like a pack of wild dogs trying to force him to admit he was racist and that he denied the holocaust but were unable to manage it"

Griffin doesnt appear to get out much. He is used to speaking in front of a BNP audience in which there are no non-white members and anyone non-white is not allowed in. He clearly fell apart when he was put in front of an audience, many of whom didnt agree with him. On racism, I repeat Davey, try to get with it. Griffin was convicted in 1998 of inciting racial hatred for articles that denied the Holocaust and praised the Waffen SS.

"how many people knew what it says in the Koran about stoning rape victims "

Ever read the Old Testament, Davey. Makes your toes curl some of the stuff in there, seriously!!

"i went to a funeral today of my mates uncle.lovely old boy who served in the Buffs in WWII and saw action at El-Alemain,Tobruk and Crete where he was captured and spent 3 years in a P.O.W camp.there were a few of his old comrades there all in there late 80's and 90,s now.after we went to the British Legion club for a few bevvies where naturally there were lots of ex servicemen.The majority of people both men and women had something to say about last night.a couple of the old boys talking about the war had nothing but praise for the commenwealth troops they fought with especially the Sikh's but remarked that whatever we fought for it certainly wasnt a multicultural/multiracial society"
lets take what you say at face value. The Indian Army, over 2million strong fought in North Africa and Asia. At least 80,000 of their number got killed. They won 30 Victoria Crosses. So Davey, your argument is that these Indians can risk their lives, in many cases lose their lives, show great valour in their fighting with the British, but should they come over to Britain they are invaders? Not a very noble point of view Davey?
Secondly Davey, as you know the Royal British Legion do lots of good works to support the British army. In many cases a fantastic job is done. It was the Royal British Legion who gave Griffin a spanking by asking him to stop misappropriating the poppy symbol for the BNP's racist use. And finally I am sure you are aware of soldiers such as Simon Weston, horribly injured in the Falklands and Andy McNab, the SAS guy, who have lent their support to the "there is nothing British about the BNP" campaign.

"Another said it wasnt for Muslims to come here and blow us up and tell us what to do and how to live"
Whilst we are on the subject of bombers Davey, I assume that you have heard of the following -
In 2007, The Appeal Court increased David Copeland's sentence to a minimum of 50 years. The London nail bomber, who had been an active member of the BNP, had originally been sentenced to a minimum term of 30 years for the three bombs he set off in 1999 which killed three people and injured 139 others.
And not forgetting...
The conviction of Robert Cottage in 2008 for possession of explosives has once again highlighted the link between BNP members and racial violence and terrorism. While the BNP moved quickly to distance itself from the actions of a man who stood in three local elections as a BNP candidate, he joins a growing list of BNP members who have engaged in some form of terrorism.

!"i myself didnt think Griffen came across too well"
Agreed. He was shite, Davey. My neighbour's Scottie could have done better.

"all that free publicity will inevitably have gained them some more support."
Davey the Dancing Dog on Britains Got Talent got a lot of free publicity but you wouldnt vote for the dog, would you?

"Bunch of cunts".couldnt have put it better myself really"
Davey try to get it.
Imagine your parents were wiped out in the Holocaust.
Imagine your father was an Asian immigrant who answered the call in the 1960's for trained doctors to come over to support the NHS.
And a cunt called Griffin comes along and says there was no such thing as the Holocaust and your father is a foreign invader.
Wouldnt you be a teeny, weeny bit angry with Mr Griffin?

Let me try and explain it another way, Davey.
Imagine you have a 8 year old daughter.
Imagine your 8 year old daughter is anally raped by a paedophile.
Imagine you see that paedophile on television denying that there is anything wrong with being a paedophile.

Do you feel the anger, now Davey, just a little bit?


Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:04 pm
by Warpig
Nicely said davey. its about time this once great but now shithole of a country was taken back.
Shut the gates and send anyone who doesnt contribute to this country back where they fucking come from.


Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:37 am
by David Johnson
Mr Pornstar,
Debate/discussion doesn't seem to be your thing, really, does it?
Gratuitous insult seems much more what you like to do, eh.

Davey said "what is it about him that the establishment fear so much?i have been watching QT for around ten years and have never seen such a handpicked biased audience and the other panelists gang up against one of the others before.for 50 minutes they were like a pack of wild dogs trying to force him to admit he was racist"

I tried to explain to Davey why there is so much anger towards the BNP because he doesn't appear to understand based on the quote I include from his message

Thousands of people in this country have lost family members or friends in the Holocaust. Griffin has a history of being a Holocaust denier.
Paedophiles often deny that there is anything wrong with paedophilia - its just love.

Davey and others need to be clear that when they support the BNP they are not just registering the fact that they are pissed off with immigration, they are also denying the validity of the pain, horror and despair of people who have lost loved ones in the Holocaust, the validity of the pain that Muslims feel when their family is racially attacked and abused.

I use paedophilia as an analogy in terms of the horror and despair. So then I ask Davey - now can you understand why the Jewish lad on Question Time was so angry with Griffin, now can you understand why so many people protest at the BNP?