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Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:15 am
by JonnyHungwell
Can't let him out just because there's somebody more deserving of a place - we should just lock them all up by increasing the cell capacity. Shove 3 or 4 in a cell designed for 2, let them sleep in shifts. As for Ronnie Biggs - keep him inside but stop his medical treatment, then he'll soon cease to be a problem. He took the piss for 30 years, now he expects preferential treatment! He should have been left to die in Brazil - and his mouthy son should be deported.

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:39 am
by spider
What really pisses me off about this is when he is released he'll then be transferred to a care home, where he'll get 24 hour a day nursing.

Who pick up the bill for this, you've guessed it the taxpayer.

My mother in law, who worked all her life and paid her taxes, has also just had to go in to a care home where she'll get 24 hour a day nursing care.

Who picks up the bill for this? You've guessed it, she does. She has had to sell her family home to pay the care bill.

Whilst she was working, paying her taxes and paying mortgage - Biggs was swanking around Brazil on stolen money have a jolly-old time.

It pisses me off that as soon as his money runs out and his health starts to fail he's on the plane "home" looking for medical care on the jolly old NHS.

Let him go and stick him on the next plane back to Brazil. Or release him to the care of Giovanni Di Stefano. Let him look after him.

Better still release him from jail, stick him in the back of a transit and dump him on his Son's doorstep with a note pinned to his jumper saying "he?s your problem, now both of you piss-off back to Brazil?.