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Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:44 pm
by Flat_Eric
max_tranmere wrote:


Not only is it unacceptable, Max - it also shows just how ignorant they are by accusing the soldiers of being "baby-killers" and all the rest of it.

Why? Because UK soldiers in Basra are now to all intents and purposes engaged only in training up the Iraqi Army within the confines of bases - not going out on combat patrols. The great irony is that none of those army guys parading through the streets of Luton had actually fired a shot in anger.

Afghanistan of course is a different situation, with civilians sometimes getting caught in the crossfire. But equally, I don't see any of these Islamists protesting the atrocities perpetrated by the Taliban, i.e. murder and mutiliation of those local Afghans they see as being opposed to them.

That appears not to matter one jot to those protestors the other day. Otherwise - surely - they'd have something to say about that as well, and be equally "outraged" by it.

- Eric

You musn't forget the reasons for invading

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:12 pm
by Bicycle Bum
Afghanistan was invaded to prepare for a pipeline to the caspian sea, and Iraq was invaded so America could control the oil there. These reasons are what is making muslims angry in Britain, apart from the fact that over 1 million civilians in Iraq have died as a consequence of the invasion, a hell of a lot more than would have died from continued UN sanctions with Saddam in power.

Re: You musn't forget the reasons for invading

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:43 pm
by Bicycle Bum
There are many body count lists from various sources, including the UN, but the way I choose to understand the body count is to ask the question, of all those people who died in Iraq since 2003, how many would still be alive today if the invasion had not happened? Some people died violently at the hands of invading armies, others at the hand of insurgents, and yet others from disease and starvation as a result of the breakdown of civil society and infrastructure. I'm confident the figure is vastly higher than the UN estimates.
Here is one of several organisations into body counts: ... asualities

Ultimately, you have to decide which deaths are due to the invasion, and which aren't. Also, a lot of people die prematurely because the memory of the way other family members were so horrifically and unjustly destroyed eats their hearts away through anxiety.

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in L

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:06 pm
by davey
those people protesting were scum.scum that dont fit into our society.islam has no place in britain extreme islam or moderate long as we have moslems here they will keep playing up like they did the other day.the solution is simple we keep taking it up the arse from these cunts and giving them more and more or we fuck the lot of them out.there is no happy medium.tough choices i know but this is about our survival.the multicultural dream aint working and it never will it is a failed social experiment that was forced on us without consultation

Re: Muslim extremists chant as soldiers march in Luton

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:14 pm
by JonnyHungwell
The thing is this is our country, not theirs - whether what we did as a nation s right or wrong is irrelevant. If they want to protest they can fuck off and protest in some third world dictatorship - if they want to stay here they should keep their mouths shut and blend in or face retribution.