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Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:06 am
by eroticartist
As opposed to Jesus, revolutionary and freedom fighter and a man who kicked over the money lenders tables in the Temple!
Mike Freeman.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:17 am
by colonel
Warren, I keep telling you you are banned mate!

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:48 am
by Robches
eroticartist wrote:

> But the age of consent was lower then wasn't it?
> Mike Freeman.

It was 13 until some time in the 1860's or 70's I believe.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:02 am
by eroticartist
Thank you Robches,
And I believe that the Strand was full of brothels that catered to flagellation and the defloration mania?
Mike Freeman.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:27 am
by andy at handiwork
Not Dickens. I think you mean the Rev Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll.
From wikipedia:

Dodgson's friendships with young girls, together with his perceived lack of interest in romantic attachments to adult women, and psychological readings of his work ? especially his photographs of nude or semi-nude girls[31] ? have all led to speculation that he was, in modern parlance, a paedophile. This possibility has underpinned numerous modern interpretations of his life and work, particularly Dennis Potter's play Alice and his screenplay for the motion picture, Dreamchild, and a number of recent biographies, including Michael Bakewell's Lewis Carroll: A Biography (1996), Donald Thomas's Lewis Carroll: A Portrait with Background (1996) and Morton N. Cohen's Lewis Carroll: A Biography (1995). All of these works more or less unequivocally assume that Dodgson was a paedophile, albeit a repressed and celibate one.

Cohen claims Dodgson's "sexual energies sought unconventional outlets", and further writes:

We cannot know to what extent sexual urges lay behind Charles's preference for drawing and photographing children in the nude. He contended the preference was entirely aesthetic. But given his emotional attachment to children as well as his aesthetic appreciation of their forms, his assertion that his interest was strictly artistic is naive. He probably felt more than he dared acknowledge, even to himself.[32]
Cohen notes that Dodgson "apparently convinced many of his friends that his attachment to the nude female child form was free of any eroticism", but adds that "later generations look beneath the surface" (p. 229).

Cohen and other biographers argue that Dodgson may have wanted to marry the 11-year old Alice Liddell and that this was the cause of the unexplained "break" with the family in June 1863.[33] But there has never been significant evidence to support the idea, and the 1996 discovery of the "cut pages in diary document" (see above) might imply that the 1863 "break" had less to do with Alice, but was perhaps connected with rumors involving her older sister Lorina, or possibly their governess.

Some writers, e.g., Derek Hudson and Roger Lancelyn Green, who have fallen short of accepting Dodgson as a paedophile, have tended to concur that he had a passion for small female children and next to no interest in the adult world.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:01 am
by Pervert
Dickens had an affair, and a child, with a young actress, but she was legal.

Dodgson, and J. M. Barrie of a later generation, divides opinion. Some think he was a paedophile. He certainly took photos of naked children. Whether he was sexually interested in little girls is disputed.

Barrie was a weird case. In spite of Finding Neverland and Johnny Depp trying to show him interested in a widowed mother of young boys, it's almost certainly the boys themselves he was drawn to. But there's no evidence he was ever sexually active---he never consumated his marriage. I'd recommend the excellent BBC mini-series The Lost Boys from the late 1970s, with Ian Holm absolutely brilliant as Barrie, for anyone wanting to find the real story behind Finding Neverland.

Michael Jackson seemed to push the Barrie defence for several years before, apparently, fathering children of his own. What's not in dispute is that both Jackson and Barrie had very strange childhoods.

Jimmy Barrie

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:35 am
by colonel
Barrie was a total innocent, entrusted as a guardian of the Llewellyn Davies boys by their mother's will. One of the leading defenders of Barrie against any claims of paedophilia was one of the boys, Nico:

Barrie was, as Nico said, a total innocent. Sylvia Llewellyn Davies, the boys' mother, was an indirect friend of Michael Collins; Barrie a friend of Lloyd George. Despite the little matter of him being PM, the Welsh Wizard would pop round to drink with Barrie- this being the time of the Irish War of Independence!

There are two schools of thought here- one that Barrie was so innocent that he did not see how Lloyd George was using him to obtain snippets of intelligence; the other, Republican viewpoint that Barrie was part of a spy circle controlled by Downing Street.

I know which one I prefer to believe.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:56 pm
by JonnyHungwell
On the radio today they claimed Gary Glitter gets ?150,000 a year in royalties from US Football games - they stil play 'Do you want to be in my gang' when goals are scored.

Re: Paedophile?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:04 pm
by videokim
Thats very dangerous thing to say even if its in gest, its quite easy to trace your ISP so ask the mods to remove this post before the wrong people see it.

Kim x