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Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:05 am
by Trumpton
magoo wrote:

> The thing about Sutty. Hes the only company doing solo girl
> stuff . There is a market there. I dislike the whole
> schoolgirl, "ooh fuck me uncle" peado crap that Suttcliffe (yes
> he is related....alledgedly) puts out. But I DO like solo girl
> material - ie girl talks dirty and strips before fiddling with
> her flange and spouting more filth before fiddling with her
> flange for a wee while longer. Simple I know.

I use to buy Sutty's stuff - but when I discovered, via this site, who he was and his extra curricular "activities" I stopped purchasing. There was a time when he did produce many dirty talking solo girl, but that stopped in about 2002 - since then it's been mainly his 'pedo' material.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:08 am
by shock the monkey
His post about this place is so on the money it's almost hilarious.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:11 am
by Sam Slater
Ok, I've re-read it, and the only thing I can see that may come across as racist -to some- is the 'Sand Monkeys' phrase, and even then it depends on who he's labelling.

He only mentions the word 'Arab' twice, and I've cut & quoted for you:

Rob said: [quote]I was also advised to be very cautious as to what pictures I used on my site as in some Arab States – particularly Birmingham...[/quote]

[quote]In fact, ‘British Freeloading Supermarket Sweep’ is the number one game show in the Arab states, next to ‘Who Wants to Be-head an Infidel?’[/quote]

The first quote isn't racist, though the second could be considered that way.

I would say that Rob definitely generalises, which I think is the point of his humour. The question is, is generalising really racist or just impolite and ignorant? You see, being impolite and ignorant aren't good things, but being racist is a whole lot worse, and by labelling ignorance and impoliteness as racist kind of waters down racism; it undermines it's true meaning.

REAL racism is where a person thinks anyone of a different race is to be treated unfairly, or unequally. If Rob had said 'all Arabs are animals', or 'all Arabs should sit at the back of the bus', or 'all Arabs in the UK shouldn't have the vote', or 'all Arabs should be paid less doing the same job a white person', then I'd give you the racism argument. THAT'S real racism - inequality between the races, or a ideology of that.

There's plenty of REAL racism in the Quran and Bible for us to be worried about Riob Stone's rantings.

You mentioned that Rob's website is illegal, which is open for debate at least. In an Islamic state -ie the future- then Rob's site, as well as this one, will be a crime punishable by death............or maybe just a bit of torture.

I don't think Rob is racist; just a guy fed up with Islam, and how we're too tolerant with that ideology in a country where millions upon millions have died over thousands of years, just so we have the freedom to talk and debate about the issues we're all debating right now on this forum.

You recently stated that women were 'fair game', and yet no one called you sexist. To undermine real racism, also undermines the people that died fighting real racism in the past. People who were slaves, who had no rights, and no voice or vote.

We're all guilty of labelling people, or judging them in haste, and I think this is such an occasion.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:12 am
by Sam Slater
Ok, I've re-read it, and the only thing I can see that may come across as racist -to some- is the 'Sand Monkeys' phrase, and even then it depends on who he's labelling.

He only mentions the word 'Arab' twice, and I've cut & quoted for you:

Rob said: [quote]I was also advised to be very cautious as to what pictures I used on my site as in some Arab States – particularly Birmingham...[/quote]

[quote]In fact, ‘British Freeloading Supermarket Sweep’ is the number one game show in the Arab states, next to ‘Who Wants to Be-head an Infidel?’[/quote]

The first quote isn't racist, though the second could be considered that way.

I would say that Rob definitely generalises, which I think is the point of his humour. The question is, is generalising really racist or just impolite and ignorant? You see, being impolite and ignorant aren't good things, but being racist is a whole lot worse, and by labelling ignorance and impoliteness as racist kind of waters down racism; it undermines it's true meaning.

REAL racism is where a person thinks anyone of a different race is to be treated unfairly, or unequally. If Rob had said 'all Arabs are animals', or 'all Arabs should sit at the back of the bus', or 'all Arabs in the UK shouldn't have the vote', or 'all Arabs should be paid less doing the same job a white person', then I'd give you the racism argument. THAT'S real racism - inequality between the races, or a ideology of that.

There's plenty of REAL racism in the Quran and Bible for us to be worried about Riob Stone's rantings.

You mentioned that Rob's website is illegal, which is open for debate at least. In an Islamic state -ie the future- then Rob's site, as well as this one, will be a crime punishable by death............or maybe just a bit of torture.

I don't think Rob is racist; just a guy fed up with Islam, and how we're too tolerant with that ideology in a country where millions upon millions have died over thousands of years, just so we have the freedom to talk and debate about the issues we're all debating right now on this forum.

You recently stated that women were 'fair game', and yet no one called you sexist. To undermine real racism, also undermines the people that died fighting real racism in the past. People who were slaves, who had no rights, and no voice or vote.

We're all guilty of labelling people, or judging them in haste, and I think this is such an occasion.

Re: Terror

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:14 am
by Pervert
It was a special episode of The West Wing which contained the following:

Al Qaida is to Islam as ------ is to Christianity.

The blank was later revealed to be KKK.

A typical reactionon September 12, 2001, from ordinary Americans was "We're going to blast those sand-monkeys back into the stone age." And yet look at who the 9/11 bombers were---not Afghans, though the Taliban was quite happy to shelter those sought in connection with the attacks; not Iraq, absolutely nothing to do with Saddam Hussein at all. Mainly Saudi Arabians---some of whom were indulging in extremely hedonistic lifestyles completely at odds with the teachings of the Koran.

There are sects within Islam that wish to see the entire planet under Sharia law, and praying to Allah. There are sects within Christianity (the neo-cons, anyone?) who want to see the whole world bound by the ten commandments and praying to Jesus. Just as it's unfair to equate all Christians with those extremists, so it is with Muslims and the bin Ladens and Al-Sadrs of this world.

Incidentally, I don't read Stone.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:16 am
by Sam Slater
P.s. I apologise -as I promised- for Rob's 'Sand Monkey' comment. It can be deemed a racist jibe, and in this instance you have a valid arguement.

P.p.s. I don't know why my post posted twice !confused!

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:17 am
by Trumpton
funkichadi wrote:

> i am muslim i am arab but have worked in porn.

That's intriguing. In what capacity?