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Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:46 am
by planeterotica
Darkman wrote:

> Darling Graham
> Firstly, are you trying to tell me that the producers of "The
> Tribe" contacted you and said "Dear Graham, please can you put
> our best bits of the production we paid thousands for on your
> lovely looking site as a promotional item"
> No, truth is you captured the footage from the telly or stole
> it from another website doing the same thing. Dont try and make
> out your doing it for some great reason. Fact is you cant
> produce any of the stuff yourself, so all you do is copy
> material from other sources. THAT MY FRIEND IS ILLEGAL AS IT IS
> Using the case of YouTube is hardly a defense, as if
> copyrighted material was shown there it is also illegal too.
> Do you think Pornostatic or Mario would like you pirating their
> material and displaying on your site without prior permission.
> I think not.....well why don't we ask them, there all on this
> forum!
> If you are going to produce a site like yours, do it right,
> dont con people with crappy link and dont steal footage.
> PS. stop hurling abuse, be polite or dont talk at all

planeterotica wrote

Well as far as abuse goes i think accusing me of pirating other peoples material is very abusive, as i stated before you know nothing about promoting or how the adult industry fuctions othewise you would have realised that i am a affiliate of these sites and have access to a certain ammount of their material for promotional reasons and i think the person you need to talk to is Marino not Mario as i have been promoting his site for quite some time along with many others, so unless you have anything usefull to say just piss off and let me get on with my promoting as more sales is good for producers, models and myself !boring!

Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:19 pm
by Trumpton
'Pert beaver'. Surely a contradiction of terms? 'Beavers' can not be described as 'pert'.

Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:28 pm
by Trumpton
warren zevon rip wrote:

> It's just bloody ignorance that annoys me.

You're right Wazzakins. Those who have no direct knowledge or understanding of a situation which happened to others when they were a child and yet they are perfectly happy to criticise those who HAVE had direct experience.

> And people who pontificate about politics whilst never realising
> that there is a whole other point of view out there that may
> well have its own logic.

But that's the whole point of a democracy. So taking your arguement here to it's logical conculsion - you disagree with democracy! Truth will out Wazzakins, truth will out!

Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:43 pm
by planeterotica
Darkman wrote:

> Avoiding the point me think....
> It all very well banging on about your links site BUT
> Are you seriously telling me (which is the point of the last
> message regardless of how you twist it to justify your
> arguement) that you have any sort of permission what so ever,
> from the owners of the Anna Friel footage.
> The answer that you are struggling to get your head is NO!
> You do not have permission to show, display or advertising the
> Anna Friel footage, and therefore, YES it does make you a
> pirator of sorts. In fact, I suppose you hold copyright to all
> the content to you Yahoo group, do you?
> As to abuse, I do not think I have used any inflamatory
> comments towards you, indeed you have been the one using rude
> language.
> Now drop the subject, you are wrong be a man and admit it.
> Keep pushing your abuse and the real owners of the content of
> your Yahoo group could be informed.
> God some people, get an education!!!

planeterotica wrote:

You are one stupid cunt you have made a few post on these forums but you dont know anything, firstly a lot of the material on the yahoo group i own the rights to as i shot it and in fact i was shooting porn before a lot of the people who post on these forums were born and i have a large ammount of material, the material that i dont own the rights to is promotional material supplied by the sites that i am an affiliate of to use for that very purpose and if you check the links you will find out that it ties in with the photos. As for the Anna Friel Clips they are also promotional material supplied by a celeb site that i am alo affiliated to and they have sex clips of 100s of celebs and this site has been going for a few years so they must have the rights to show these clips or they would have been closed down, so you can inform who you like and why you are at it make sure you inform JImslip and Marino that i have posted links to their latest clips on the girls forums and i will probably post them on the group, i bet they will be up in arms !boring!

Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:45 pm
by planeterotica
Darkman wrote:

> You are one stupid cunt eh...
> Thats rich coming from and old perv in a dirty mac.. Big fuckin
> deal you go out with your Nikon to take a few girlie pics,
> awesome, really awesome!
> Promotional material my arse! Do you have any idea how fuckin
> stupid you sound. Should have worked harder at school dear boy
> then you wouldnt have to peddle your sad shit..
> now fuck off back to your lonely bedsit with a second hand copy
> of Razzle
> fuckin loser

planeterotica wrote:

You havnt got a clue you lump of shit and that is exactly what you talk like in your Natasha Himpson post on the girls forum in one post you are saying what a sweet girl she was and in your next post you are saying that she wasnt that hot anyway and your profile is empty like your fucking stupid head you are one big useless wanker now go and crawl back into the cesspit you came from before you found these forums and thought you was going to take over and be noticed, CUNT.

Re: Anna Friel

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:12 pm
by planeterotica
Trumpton wrote:

> 'Pert beaver'. Surely a contradiction of terms? 'Beavers' can
> not be described as 'pert'.
planeterotica wrote:

I think it has more to do with the scent !love!!love!!love!