NFL game in the U.K.

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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Good history lesson!
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by nasty »

Good knowledge, dude.

I'm a big football fan and a big American football fan. If the only reason you're dismissing the sport is because it shares the same name as another sport, that's pretty ridiculous. They use their hands in Gaelic football, but no one harps on about the name of that game.

To the people that always bring up rugby and soft Americans. Check out the injury list in an NFL season. Ouchie!

It's hard, athletic, tactical sport. Learn the rules, check it out, give it a try.

And I for one like the fact that I can nip to the kitchen to grab a beer or make a tea during the commercials.

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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Guffy »

Rugby, a game played predominately with the hands, is run by two governing bodies. The RFU and RFL where the F stands for football. Why not chage these names as well ?

The majority of the kicking in rugby is either kicking for position (equivalent of the punt in the NFL) or conversions (same as the point after in NFL) or penalties (which have similarities to a field goal in NFL). There is also kick offs and game re-starts which are exactly the same in UK and USA.

Someone had better have a word with the Aussies as well. The refer to rugby as footy.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Guffy »

'Us Brits on the other hand have created the world's most popular sports - Football, Golf, Tennis, Rugby, Cricket and ofcourse the biggest of them all - Darts.'

Rugby, Cricket and Darts all have one thing in common. The best players in the world all come from countries that were former colonies of Britain. The games were taken there by British settlers and then flourished.

Would India and Pakistan be so fanatical about cricket or South Sfrica and New Zealand about rugby without this influence ? Probably not .

There are the odd exceptions, Holland play cricket, there are a few Belgian dart players and France and Italy play rugby though the Italians are crap. All of these countries are on Britain's doorstep.

Tennis and Golf were match the same until 30-40 years ago. I remember from the sixties that it was always which American or Australian was going to win at Wimbledon or at the Open. Don't forget America was also a former colony. They then started to boom around the rest of the world when other countries saw how much money could be made from tourism.

Football is the one exception and has crossed the globe. That is helped by the fact that you do not need a lot of space or costly equipment to kick a ball around.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Darts is one of my pass times. Me and friends would go to our favorite local bar or lounge and THEY would drink and we would hav e a friendly game of darts.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by crofter »

Erm the top darts players are all from former British Colonies ... explain please, looks to me the only other meaningful darts players in the last 15 years have been Dutch. Of course you can add Snooker to that list of Great British Inventions!!
Don't really see what the problem is with this NFL game taking place in Britain ... simple if you don't like it don't go near the joint - no point moaning about it. I could name a good few "British" sports that would make me feel suicidal - case in point: Cricket.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Maximo »

I have become a massive NFL fan over the last few years and once you understand the sport you realise how great it is. I feel that of all the american sports NFL has the potential to be the most succesful in the UK
and one of the main reasons it hasn't had any real success over hear is the appaling marketing that the NFL has compared to the NBA etc.

The usual comment you get when you tell people you like NFL is its "soft" rugby because they wear pads and helmets when in reality its probably tougher than rugby as the protective gear, in paticular the helmets get used as weapons with players lowering their heads as they tackle. The reason helmets where introduced was because players were dying on the field because of the contact, 12 in one season when teams only played 14 games a season.

Every game in the NFL is critical as there are only 16 regular season games and the players no that one bad game can ruin your career.
An example of this was philadelphia safety Michael Lewis who went from been one of the NFL biggest defensive stars to been frozen out after one poor game against New Orleans