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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:46 am
by Sam Slater
[quote]Only thing is it is has taken Ben 25 years or more to make what David makes in a very short space of time,[/quote]

I see, so if you become slightly successful you become a great guy, but if you become 'very' successful you become a cunt? I may also add that Beckham probably started his footballing education around 5-7 years old. He didn't just decide at 18 that he'd become a professional footballer for Man Utd! I'd calculate that he's been in football as long as Ben has been in porn. David Beckham probably had to give up a lot more as a child to achieve his dream. I doubt Ben Dover had to be in bed most nights for 10pm, move away from home as a young teenager etc ect. Not saying he's worth his wages btw...

[quote]Ben had to fight to get to where he is running foul of the law etc while Beckham has had everything handed to him on a plate[/quote]

It's all coming together now. Ben is great because he broke the law a few times? As for Beckham having everything given to him on a plate? You're having a laugh right? Yeah he just woke up one day and walked into Old Trafford whereby Alex was just passing and threw him a spare shirt. 'You can play today if you want lad!'

[quote]as for being exploited these girls get the chance to get shafted by well hung guys and paid pretty well for it and the chance to launch their careers by being in a well known directors film- what more could they ask for?[/quote]

Ha ha ha! Are these girls being paid pretty well then? That couple of hundred isn't just to 'get screwed by well hung guys'. That money is also for the inconvenience of flirting with STD's and HIV. The inconvenience of maybe losing friends who disapprove, aswell as the possibility of upsetting family members? Then there's the possibility of wierdos recognising you in a club or while you're shopping?

I always find it amazing that soe people really don't realize what they type, or think. Ponder your views a while and read your statement again. Do you see the hypocrisy? Shall I show you the light?

Ok, you've tried to put across these things:

"David Beckham doesn't deserve the wages he's getting."

"Ben Dover does deserve the wealth he's accumulated."

"The girls are 'well paid' for what they do." ('well paid' usually insinuates that the pay is a little more than they deserve, otherwise you'd have said 'they deserve their pay', not being 'well paid'.)

To shorten it:

David Beckham is a greedy cunt.

Ben Dover his hard working.

The girls are ungrateful.

How the hell can you insinuate that Beckham should have less money, but deny girls -who take a lot of health risks- any more?

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:35 pm
by Jock Strap
The reason Ben and others like him are so minted now is because they were pioneers. It was so much easier back then to make money from porn. Of course there was a price to pay like trips to prison.

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:12 pm
by Sam Slater
I still don't think you get my point. I can't see how Ben Dover deserves his success while Mr & Mrs Beckham do not. Yes Ben Dover produced something that people wanted to see, but so did the Beckhams with Football and entertainment.

I just don't think you've ever seen a young 18 year old girl hump a 30 kilo suitcase 200 miles on a train & tube, get fucked up the arse and jizzed in her eye, then gets told she cannot have her travel expenses by a man who drives away in that years new Mercedes.

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:18 pm
by one eyed jack
I reckon Ben is well loaded mate. He bought me a drink once. It werent cheap either, a double jack and coke. Not cheap in a hotel either.

Anyway whats all this fuss about money.

Capitalism works...whether you are ben Dover or David Beckham...The only people who dont deserve loads of money are those that steal it.

I am totally baffled that a man soon to be earning ?70,000 a day can earn that from kicking a ball around. Proves there must be a heaven on earth.

Fair play to them all is what I say. Nice work if you can get it.

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:19 pm
by one eyed jack
Sorry I said capitalism works...with all the taxes, fines, charges, you'd think we lived in a socialist country these days

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:21 am
by planeterotica
As far as i know Ben did treat the girls well, i have known several girls who appeared in his films and i never heard any of them say anything bad about him, all the girls who appeared in his films were willing participants and us the public were willing to purchase the films, so he made his money buy giving people pleasure as do Posh and Becks although i would rather w3atch a Ben Dover film !love!

Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:10 am
by Sam Slater
[quote]I understand your point however the only entertainment she has produced is seeing how bad her singles can get[/quote]

Hey, I'm not saying they/she is an entertainment icon, however I'd rather watch Posh's legs & nipples poking out of her top, for free on TV, than pay ?20 to toss myself off, watching Keith Harris screw some nervous looking 18 year old. Now, we're into the realms of personal taste though, which is probably a waste of time arguing about - personal taste being....'personal'.

[quote]it is not amusing watching somebody get paid an obscene amount of money to sit on a bench and occasionally get a runout for ten minutes[/quote]

Not his fault is it? It's the manager of Real Madrid who decides how long he's on the pitch. You've also changed your tune. Firstly everything was given to David on a plate, and now things aren't going his own way, your complaining he's not entertaining us enough!

[quote]I have never seen an 18 year old girl humping a 30 kilo suitcase 200 miles on a train-[/quote]

Yes, that's what I assumed!

[quote]not sure why they would need such a heavy case to shoot a porn scene, surely they just need a sexy outfit to change into and a few essentials,[/quote]

Not all directors have a definite idea of outfits. It's common to ask models to bring a large selection of stuff. Outfits, fetish gear, denim, underwear, dresses, 5 pairs of sandals & shoes plus a few pairs of boots as well as make-up and electrical stuff like hair straighteners, hair products and hair dryers. There's some weight in that.

[quote]has Ben ever denied a model travel charges? many of the women appear in several of his films so this seems unlikely, then again are porn stars classed as employees or independent contractors? they could keep the stubs and claim it as expenses on their tax return,[/quote]

I'm not having a go at Ben Dover. He probably always was nice to all the girls. Like I said -I'm playing devils advocate to prove that it's thoughtless to suggest Ben deserves his money but the Beckhams don't. If you've earned your money legally, without ripping or exploiting people on the way, you deserve whatever you get.

As for the travel expenses, why are you so adamant that the girls don't deserve travel expenses for the job they do? (after all where would porn be without the girls?, just Keith Harris by himself? You thomas tanking, watching Keith Harris thomas tanking?) Why can't the directors pay travel and keep the receipts to claim it back themselves?

[quote]I am sure there are some bad producers around just as there are bad bosses in all sorts of jobs[/quote]

Quite true. But normal bosses in other jobs don't pass you chlamydia, rip your sphincter muscle and jizz in your eye (though it may feel that way sometimes.) What of the directors that bug models for sexual favours after shoots? Normally an employee in the real world would have the law on their side. A director could theoretically ask for sexual favours in return for rebooking, without fear of the girls complaining about sexual harassment.

You see, the girls do a job not many girls in society do, and always seem to be grudged an extra ?50. It seems quite sad to me.