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Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:01 pm
by Bob Singleton
DanG wrote:

> Good point Bob, but the BBC doesn't produce all of its own
> stuff either...Talkback and others do. Plus the BBC sells on
> the rights to its productions, but we don't see a decrease in
> the Licence Fee.
> As a lot of people on here are saying, they don't mind having
> to pay for the Beeb, they don't like being FORCED to pay for
> the Beeb.

Yes it's true that the BBC uses other production companies as well as its own in-house talent.

As for the licence fee... the fact everyone who has a TV is forced into paying for the Beeb is actually no bad thing. It ensures the BBC remains independant. Would you really prefer wall-to-wall Murdoch-produced right wing clap-trap? ...just look at how biased Sky News and Fox News are.

The fact that most Tories think the Beeb to be a haven for commies, and that the left believe it to be full of old Tory farts means it must have got it just about right in terms of balance.

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:05 pm
by DanG
The Beeb has always had a left-leaning stance...and whilst Sky has a right-leaning stance, it cannot compare to FOX News. That is one scary TV channel!!!

Re: Why TV License?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:12 am
by eroticartist
Auntie is not going to give up all these perks and privileges so easily.