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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:19 pm
by Cerberus
I agree with you Keith. Just look at the Brits on tour in Ibiza to see how out of control they get when a legal substance is offered cheap & 24/7. Binge mentality at its very best.

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:03 am
by randyandy
Keith Rasputin wrote:

> I didn't advocate general usage. I'm a frequent visitor to The
> Netherlands (not just Amsterdam) and I've never seen any
> trouble arising in public places from cannabis use. I compared
> it with the attitude displayed by users of hard drugs which was
> as defensive as those (like you) who think that proscription
> can be used to control the use of anything and that passing
> distribution into the hands of criminals could ever make it
> safer.

Don't understand sorry especially the >passing distribution into the hands of criminals could ever make it safer> bit.

> The problems caused by cannabis are miniscule in comparison
> but if it was available freely then the public here would go
> out of control.

Enough said.

> The problems caused by cannabis are miniscule

Part of your argument has referred to drink. As a former door supervisor I can say that the numbers of drink related problems are miniscule in comparison to those drinking but problems are problems, not matter how small and should be dealt with.

Every problem results in victims of one sort or another and giving licence to cannabis will as even you now admit will cause problems. The outcome of these problems is that it costs me money.

>Saying that it is ok for me to smoke two joints outside of the UK but not in >the UK displays your ignorance of the law.

No its shows your ignorance of my point. Your drug use if within the UK involves you in a criminal act. You are part of the criminal element (even if on a minor scale) that causes problems and in turn costs me money.

>you were saying that it is perfectly ok for me to go and commit a
> criminal offence in another EU country but not here. I think
> that shows your contempt for our near neighbours in the EU more
> than anything.

I couldn't give a **** about our neighbours If they arrest prosecute imprision you over there I wouldn't give a **** because it wouldn't (hopefully) cost me money.

>Lastly those articles you might read in the Daily Mail

Only ever read it once and ended up writing a complaint about one of the editorials being wrong.

> I think I've backed up my view with pretty well understood facts.

No you haven't.

This really is my last message on the subject. My previous post would have been but I had to correct your inaccurate Daily Mail insult and ended up making other points, sorry

Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:59 pm
by randyandy
Keith Rasputin wrote:

> It's just like a little Englander to say it's none of your
> business what happens in other countries and that you don't
> care whether people break the law there. I expect you'll be
> going to Ibiza for your cheap binge-up riot of a holiday at the
> expense of the local community and civil order there then?

I tried to resist but yet again you make assumptions about someone you don't even know and yet again are wrong.

I don't drink, I don't holiday abroad and far from being a little Englander who doesn't care about what happens abroad I am a little Englander who doesn't give a damn about what happens to individuals who go abroad to commit a crime.

If you?re going to change what people actually put Keith at least do it with real facts.

I appreciate its hard for you, your post about the plane plot proved that but if you can please try it. I'd much rather be looking at Lara Lee and the other lovely ladies here than respond to your nonsense.