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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:54 pm
by Rude Boy
Classic Dibble. You're on a good run of form at the moment Officer! I enjoyed the tales of the showdown with the pikeys attempting a spot of "Twocing" 'round your gaff but this Brit Porn critique is awesome. Give the OD a Pulitzer!

This is the most stimulating thread......ever?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:07 pm
by fudgeflaps
Well done lads, I've got this far and, despite the anticipated sporadic bouts of pettiness, this is good stuff: there are no documentaries on about the decline of the UK since the 60's and the proliferation of ned culture.

This thread has filled that void- many good and varied viewpoints.

I was born in '77 and do not REALLY know from experience when the decline started. Some say it is a post-60's liberalism knee-jerk, others blame Thatcher and her cast-iron bollocks.

Interesting reading indeed..........Dibs, you should print the entire thread off and send it to the Editor of the Times. They could make an article of this.

At last, constructive, educated chat!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:31 pm
by IdolDroog
Well you are probably only seeing a certain type of Brit then aren't you?
I was taught French and German up to GCSE level and seeing as the rest of the world DOES speak our own language - to a 16 year old its not surprising most of us concluded "i can't really be bothered to continue that then..." so thats where it usually ends.

I still maintain the prevalance of the English language and the geography of us being on an island are the 2 main reasons for what we are discussing...we don't feel a part of the mainland Europe and therefore don't really know where to start.

In september 2 of my mates and I are driving from Dover - France - Belgium - Germany - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary - Croatia in a week. Because of my serious inclination towards Czech and Hungarian women (lol) im quite tempted to look at learning these languages but if it wasn't for that I'd just see a sea of countries, a sea of different languages and no idea where or why to start! Does that make sense to you Marty ?

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:23 pm
by Sam Slater
Thats bull Marty.....

The Scots, Welsh and Irish are as bad at us when it comes to learning continental languages. (& the Irish have adopted the Euro!). The French or Germans never seem to point the Irish out. I wonder why that is eh?

It's just 'cool' to hate the British. Has been like that for hundreds of years though the Americans have taken over the 'most hated nation' spot. I suppose when China dominates the world economy in 50 years or so they'll get all the flack..... (Liverpool in the 80's, Man Utd in the 90's and now Chelsea are becoming the team it's 'cool to hate).

The French in particular seem to knock our attitude, culture, language, history and food at every opportunity. Maybe it's sometimes deserved, but it's still rude & childish. We in the UK have problems, but Europe in general needs to stop the subtle sniping at the Brits and maybe we'll stop kicking their heads in!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:39 pm
by perihelion

> The French in particular seem to knock our attitude, culture,
> language, history and food at every opportunity. Maybe it's
> sometimes deserved, but it's still rude & childish. We in the
> UK have problems, but Europe in general needs to stop the
> subtle sniping at the Brits and maybe we'll stop kicking their
> heads in!

well said. I recall going to Paris for a weekend with my other half, i went to a swanky resteraunt and had a lovely french waitress serve me, when i opened my english mouth, she went from smiling to looking at me like id been rolling in my own shit. Typical.

I do feel inferior though, when it comes to our european counterparts. perhaps its the years of twatty brits abroad, or kicking off at every possible football tournament. You know what im on about. Package tours where families of brits come out draped in their best sports outlet gear, skinheads and england shirts for the kids. Umbro trainers (mock reebok classic style) and shell bottoms for dad. Then there is peroxide mum with her bog standard tattoo 6 inches above the stretched elastic waistband of her chav bingo pants, hands and wrists dripping in the finest elizabeth duke. Its fucking embarrassing and it will never change.

Perhaps its the above, the fact that we act like utter pricks when we are aboad, rude, patronising and arrogant. Maybe its the fact that we cant play football at a major tournament without the fans lobbing plastic chairs around and acting like fucking arseholes. Its the above and a whole lot more that makes britain feel like the spotty, foul mouthed, stupid little brother or mainland europe. But hey, its ok, because we are the chirpy brits!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:13 pm
by fudgeflaps
No need for Czech or Hungarian, 'Droog.............

.............there's always the universal language of luuuurve !grin! .................

...........on which I possess an honourary professorship. !clown!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:13 pm
by IdolDroog
LOL Fudge, how right you are.
Learning a bit of those languages isn't gonna hurt though ;)

No1 priority is to flush out this idea that ALL women from those regions are a) beautiful b)easy. lol. At the moment Europe's kinda the promised land in my head filled with wonderous glory, whilst at the same time being a tragically war-torn landscape. Odd.

Anyway I digress...back to arguing........