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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:00 am
by mart
I was thinking about the UK in the context of other European countries Deuce. I suspect that immigrants, legal or not, may fare better elsewhere but the media (and for that matter, some forumites) trumpet the amount of welfare handouts they are likely to be given by the British authorities.
Then there is the not losing face factor. I remember a BBC doco about some illegals from (I think) Bangladesh ending up in Italy, not doing at all well but still writing home to their families (who had paid for their travel) boasting about how much money they were making. Well, in Bangladeshi terms it wasnt bad but they vastly exaggerated their situation. This in turn would encourage their mates back home to do the same thing.


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:41 am
by Deuce Bigolo
It might be an empire colonial thing,who knows?

I'd think language would be another good guess given that many migrants seem to have a good grasp of english when they arrive means its already being taught as a second language for tourism

You can't say the same about European Languages

How many migrants do you see starting out driving taxis
Drivers Licence and a little bit of English is all thats required
Leave the navigating up to the passengers,at least in my experience in Australia especially that cesspit Sydney


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:05 am
by mart
There's a joke here about Russian doctors driving least thats safer than Russian taxi drivers working as doctors.


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:37 am
by slamdaddy
Don't even need a driving licence, or rather to be able to drive. In another one of Mr Blairs genius initiatives he decided that he wasn't going to do anything to punish new immigrants or asylum seekers who were driving without a licence, and instead just give them one(a driving licence that is). I personally witnessed the full stupidity of this idea just after I heard about it and I was driving along with my friend. We were just about to turn out of his street when a car full of asians was driven across in front of us, by a man I'd guess in his 50's. As we happened to be going in the same direction as they headed off in we ended up following them for a bit. The old guy had obviously never driven a car in his life. He was all over the road, up the pavement, and on at least 2 occasions nearly ran into parked cars. He didn't even know which side of the road to drive on, and Tony Blair thought it would be a good idea to just give him a driving licence?
This is the stupidity we have to deal with, people like Blair having one rule for one set of people and another rule for everyone else.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:46 am
by Fred
Sure. Last week I saw a white 19-year-old youth, car full of his mates driving like a complete tosser. What does that prove? Nothing, except that stupidity crosses all ethnic/age differences.

You probably need to get out more, chum.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:44 pm
by randyandy
I agree with you OEJ our forefathers are to blame.

The first time one of the ethnic minorities decided to get ideas above their station, chose a better life style for themselves, got off their arses and worked harder in an attempt to get a better living and lifestyle for themselves and their families they should have been beaten with a big stick.

Keeping the ethnics down years ago and showing them the lifestyle to be expected here may have prevented the gun carrying yobs of today who think it is ok kill, injure or maim someone just to get a few extra quid for some nice clothes, better bling or faster car and all other much needed attributes to have a decent life in the UK lol.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:21 pm
by mart
Another one of your fairy stories?
I'll believe this if you back it up with some evidence.


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:29 pm
by nachovx
A friend of mine was hit by an East European immigrant with no tax/insurance and wrote the car off.... what did the police do to him, no charges after a year and my friend has been told by his insurance company (Direct Line) he'll be losing his no claims.

I have no problems with the Albanian/Romanian being in the country - but I find it a bit strange the police aren't interested, because I'm sure they'd do me if I decided to run around with no tax/insurance.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:42 pm
by slamdaddy
Yeah right mart, because we all walk around with a video camera in case some guy on the internet wants you to prove that you saw something.

Having just looked on the internet though, it looks like I'm going to have to take back my comments about Blair giving out driving licences as I can't find a damn thing. I apologise and add that I should probably research things myself instead of just believing what I have been told.


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:57 pm
by nachovx
Just move to Hillfields,Coventry ... they subsidise refugees to pass the test and maintain their cars. On a grant of ?50,000 from the taxpayers and EEC