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Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:29 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Volvo-a religious experience

The Lights always on(Is this still the case or have the technicians figured out how to turn them off?)

Pity they designed them like a barge then added wheels

Funny how those driving cars deemed as the safest seem to infuriate other drivers

I've always wondered where the Volvo drivers bad reputation has come from


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:34 am
by sandie
the way i understood it in gcse geog - and im sure my lit was far more recent than much of that the earth was unfortunatly designed to shift plates (erupt, explode, do strange and disasterous things) due to heat requiring ventilation from the earths core leading to plates of the planets surface manifesting and shifting with time to allow escaping heat and gases to transpire and that several areas of the planet were destined for doom due to lying on fault lines of these plates, those being the third world countries that suffer disaster after disater due to location and never quite get back on there feet due to economy and acts of god. earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves do not occur thru man made motives.

i find it quite interesting that the san andreas fault in california seems to have bypassed this rule and that asia, in my opinion, as a doom struck continent - supposedly- is really far from a third world ground. more an independant state.

makes u wonder about the education we are bought up on.

despite my comments i still must offer my condolenses to the people affected by this tragedy.

Re: OXFAM to fly water from UK, WHY?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:09 am
by mart
I havn't seen the story. Are you sure its water not water treatment/storage equipment, something Oxfam developed some years ago.


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:11 am
by alec
sandie wrote:

> i find it quite interesting that the san andreas fault in
> california seems to have bypassed this rule

Is your 'rule' geological or economic?

There was a major earthquake in San Francisco in 1989 - 7.2 on the Richter scale - and in Los Angeles there was one of 6.6 in 1994 (and 6.6 in 1971). Yes about 100 times weaker than the one on Boxing Day, but enough to destroy freeways etc. True, damage is less and recovery faster in rich countries, whatever the strength of the quake.

But, yes, they are still waiting for 'the Big One' (comparable to San Francisco 1906) on the San Andreas fault.

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:33 pm
by diplodocus
or even the 'biggest one' when (not if) the super volcano under Yellostone goes up

Re: OXFAM to fly water from UK, WHY?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:36 pm
by diplodocus
it's probably bottled water, which we would have abundant stores of in the UK, it's the quickest way to get lots of water to people until purification plants are set up

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:40 pm
by Cate
I just can't stomach watching the news with this disaster, first time I saw it I broke my heart, I have donated cash and the street has had a whip round and goods have been donated.

Things like this have been going on for millions of years, only the news brings it home to all of us how insignificant we are when it comes to Nature, Nature is the devil, taking and killing without remorse, it does not recognise age, sex, or culture it just does what it does and always will do.

Human nature is also strange, in some of the more remote areas, I hear the Tamil Tigers and the Government are in part working together to aid the victims and supply medicine and food, funny how a thing like this brings people closer together then all the diplomacy in the world ever could.

We all have to be thankfull we are safe and all hope that aid and support come to all who need it.


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:53 pm
by davewells
Just proves that there AIN'T no GOD dunit.

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:22 pm
by Brickboy240 guys brought up the God issue. If so many here don't believe...why question God?

I am not asking this to create a stir...I am not a religious person, myself, but it does seem odd that when something like this happens...a supreme being is brought into question or blamed almost immediatley. From 9-11 to this...I don't see the point in blaming a supreme being for these disasters or any country or group of people. Its simply too large of a disaster to hang the blame squarely on the shoulders of a few...or a being that most here claim not to believe in.

Is it too far out of the realm for some to consider that sometimes bad things simply happen all on their own?

Sorry, but an event this devastating is hard for me to blame on someone or some thing or to see this as some sort of "punishment" from above or God or some other far off theory. Actually, an event this devastating is still hard for me to get my head around. I just look at the news footage in disbelief to this very day.
