iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

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Re: you were warned!!!!!!!!!

Post by jj »

I did, after several minutes thought. I should never have asked a lapsed Roman Catholic...........
I always ended up at Worswick Street, anyway.
Or at the garage, in Byker.
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
mark cremona
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by mark cremona »

you are right fastbike, we should kill them all, they dont deserve their country, we should fight against them as they fight against us, as a matter of fact why dont we set up some camps over there and tell them they are "showers" and force them in at gunpoint and then drop some Zyklon B on them and gas them, then we can burn their fucking bodies in incinerators or bury them in mass graves.....oh wait a minute...shit...didn't someone somewhere do that before ?

in the war of independence between Algeria and France a few decades ago, Islamic terrorists frequently perpertrated similar barbaric acts, they would cut off the male genitals and stuff them into the mouths of their victims before decapitating them and dump them in the streets so others would see the fate that awaited them for collaborating with the French.

the internet has just brought home to us a lot sooner the kind of things that go on in the world that have always gone on in wars of attrition such as this, back then no one gave a shit, but now its in our faces, put into a historical perspective this poor man's death is just another statistic.

the fact is, wether we like it or not..its their country, its always been their country and it will continue to be their country and any resembelence of a democracy we force on them will be just that.....forced.

time and again throughout our History where Subjugation and Tyranny are brought to bear against a race of People who cannot fight back with the same level of technology naked barbarism becomes the weapon of choice for the oppressed regardless of wether the occupying power sees themselves as liberators or Tyrants.

This man's terrible death is just the next step up for these people.
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by jj »

Lot of truth in that.
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by Fastbike »

So, I say that people who carry out an unpardonable act should be resisted , and suddenly I'm a racist and advising genocide ! To state the
bleedin obvious , I mean the murderers , not the entire Arab nation .
There is a lot to play for in the Middle East at the moment , and some terrifying players . Iraq before Saddam was a prosperous country with an extensive and educated middle class and democracy would have been a possibilty , it was actually ruled by a moderate Hashemite King , the brother of Hussein the King of Jordan . Saddam was prolly installed by MI6 and the Arabists in the FO , funded by the Americans . I think you will find the policy towards Jews you are attributing to me is closer to that of Yasser Arafat .

Ride Yamaha , support Rossi !
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Re: you were warned!!!!!!!!!

Post by steve56 »

so there really is a byker grove,that bloke with the beard in it was very dodgy i always thought.
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by mart »

Don't know the whole story but it does sound a bit odd.


mark cremona
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by mark cremona »

sorry Fastbike, I didnt mean to imply you were racist, and I apologize if it appeared that way.

the problem there is just so complicated that simply saying we must fight back is not the answer.

the point I was trying to make really was that there is a real Historical perspective to all this which we are all missing because of how close to it we are (the media being the reason this is so).

it is affecting our judgement and the judgement of our leaders. Its also condeming people, Men,Women and Children, to death on a daily basis by ever more brutal means.

in the last 500 years Christians and Muslims have fought countless times, it is an age old conflict, the people, the uniforms and the technology have changed but the basic premise is the same, one Race of people (us OR them) attempting to Subdue/Subjugate/Tyranise/Enslave, or just plain Murder, delete as appropriate.....

One of the last major Conflagrations between the Great Faiths was the Siege of Malta in 1565 the parallels with the conflict in Iraq and the horrors perpertrated by both sides is uncanny in its comparisons, the startling difference is in the reversal of roles, the Christians as the underdogs and Islam as Overlords I urge you to take the time to read this story and re-cast your Judgements. Im sorry that its such a long story but read it and digest it, the main players all seem to have Parallel characters in this Modern world with its Cluster Bombs, Daisy Cutters,30mm MiniGuns and Self Righteous Leaders.

as I watched the news report of that poor mans father sitting on his lawn crying is heart out, trying to imagine how he must be feeling knowing the brutal manner of his son's death and the fact that the whole world had been party to that death just by means of having watched it, I wondered too about our immortal Souls.

May God have Mercy on all of us because none of us deserve what we have been given.
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by Fastbike »

OK ,thats understood accepted . I think my reply made things clear. What you will see I did not say is that I think our leaders are making an excellent job of it . In fact , rather to the contrary all that historical goodwill from the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire in WW I seems to going up in flames like a sabotaged oil pipeline . Re the ancient history between Islam and the west , the exit of the Moors from Spain was not exactly a triumph of restraint and kindness either .

Ride Yamaha , support Rossi !
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Re: iraqi beheading U.S. soldier

Post by Spook »

Its strange when you think about the pictures we get shown of war.

In the Gulf War 10 or so years ago all the armchair generals were creaming themselves as they saw "smart bombs" being aimed down chimneys to blow-up buildings. These images were proudly displayed by the military on a daily basis. That was "war as fun" because big explosions are just like fireworks and smart bombs make us look really clever. Far fewer shots on the news of charred Iraqi bodies and the later deformed babies as the effects of depleted uranium shells work their way through the system.

And you can certainly argue that the Gulf War was a "good thing" so news management wasn't all that necessary.

given the unpopularity of the Iraq invasion its more than possible that there are some horrific images that we're being protected from (all for our own good of course and nothing to do with trying to save this increasingly desperate government's reputation).