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Re: Go International

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:03 pm
by planeterotica
Dont get me wrong i love Brit Porn but it's a limited market, if your sites content has a more international flavour then the world is your oyster, take Jimslip for example, Jims site has a European flavour therefore via affiliates he has expanded his market to the whole of Europe and beyond.

And this is how the yanks make money, allthough they have a much bigger window to sell into they are very good at selling their goods abroad like on this thread Evil Angel has been mentioned, by not only using Brit girls but also girls with an international flavour and good promotion there is still money to be made out of porn.

Do a search at and there are loads of scenes featuring British babes and hotties from every corner of the earth,

Spread your wings !wink!

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:09 pm
by one eyed jack

Apart from UKAP, AITA meets and the recent Paul Raymond/ TVX parties at Platinum Lace I know not of any other events the industry holds that you can be alluding to

Erotica certainly doesnt count. What else is there?

Given that you have never attended any of these events outside of meeting you years ago at Erotica leads me to believe you are suggesting these events.

The problem with not naming names would lead people on here to believe that your comments are a veiled attack on these events and by excluding yourself from these things lends weight to your negative comments.

You are perfectly within your rights to comment on here about them as it is within my rights to defend things I am involved with

Your reputation seems to be based on your output and product, therefore that puts you in a position of respect and when people of respectful standing in the community make comments like the ones you did it could be seen as damaging to other peoples efforts.

You don't want to be seen "dead at any of these events", then why comment about what you have never attended unless you can be specific what you are talking about?

Its hard enough fighting aspects of this business when people in our own business are fighting us as well, either sabotaging and not getting involved or both.

You may not believe in anything we do so why hinder us in our progress by making comments that feed the negative and the apathetic.

Every time when we have someone come to our meetings they say something like "I Heard you were this" and "I thought you was that"...If left undefended the bad press starts from forums like this when people say they "wouldnt be seen dead at industry events".

I for one would be asking why someone of standing in the business would say something like that.

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:01 pm
by DiSanto

I am not making a veiled attack on anything or anyone.
I'm not referring to any particular events as I wouldn't know one from the other.

If you feel that for some reason, my opinion is going to have some sort of influence, well I very much doubt that to be the case.

As I see it you have a problem with one quote from my posts but unfortunately you are just going to have to put up with it.

So just to be absolutely clear. I totally respect that you and others may well enjoy these events but "I personally would not be seen dead at an Industry Party Event"

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:31 pm
by planeterotica
DiSanto wrote:

> I am not making a veiled attack on anything or anyone.
> I'm not referring to any particular events as I wouldn't know
> one from the other.
planeterotica wrote:

I have been to a few industry events and enjoyed them.

If you dont wish to attend thats fine but dont knock these events as i know a lot of hard work goes into arranging them..

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:53 pm
by one eyed jack
Just to be clear.

I don't go to these events to enjoy them or even make friends. They are always strictly business for me in terms of networking and putting in face time with people.

In that respect they work for me. However I don't speak for everyone. I have been known to enjoy the social aspect but that's not the reason I attend and I have never heard a public complaint with regards to them

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:56 pm
by one eyed jack
Ha! I just slipped up there. The public are not involved with any of the events bar the Paul Raymond ones.

There should be an edit function here.

Oh well Ive explained myself.That should be as good as.

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:19 am
by Dave Wells
As a kind of footnote to the original idea on this thread and to back up my points. This week has seen the departure of probably the biggest players (financially and staff wise for sure) from any of 'porn' production. And I found out yesterday that one of the two tv companies has 'suspended' (whatever that means) production until 2013 - thus all their currents producers are not required. So whoever you are, you can read whatever you want into those two FACTS. Terry is right, I tell it like it is and yes it is all gloom and doom if you are a producer for others !

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:12 am
by one eyed jack
I guess Im forever the optimist but I do believe that asteroid on its way could just miss us by a few miles Dave.

The wind rush past may mess up our hair a bit but thats no need to just give up.

Heres a song for you my brother...Get yo boogie shoes on maaaan! Lets party like its 1999!!!!

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:19 am
by one eyed jack

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:55 am
by Dave Wells
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