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Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:52 pm
by jimslip
Remember Herr Thring I work on both sides of the camera so I am lucky enough to see things from both sides. I think during the heyday of Private many directors and I don't mean you, got used to churning out the same old shit time after time. Being British, I expect the demands made on you were higher than those made on Johnny European, who simply needed to find a tasty bird and get her gang banged by 5 pool attendents to rake in the cash!

As a director, I would cast where possible, blokes who look like the types that modern girls like. The Justin Timberlake type I suppose. Fit, goodlooking, but not a distraction from the girl, who is always the star. I seem to remember casting you Demetri years ago as a "Financial advisor" in one of my shows. Why? Mainly because you could crack a smile and react like a normal guy, when faced with a leggy French Maid standing on a table in front of you! By "Sense of humour", I mean a sense of fun, rather than, "Wey! hey! hey! love, da ya like chicken? Then eat this, ITS FOWL! boom! boom!"

The worst thing with a stud is when they start looking bored and vain. Neither men nor women liKe this in a man, in my opinion.

Ron Jeremy An Example

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:17 pm
by planeterotica
Ron Jeremy has probably been the stud in more pornos than any one else, hardly a gym freak though is he, his beer belly must have cost a fortune !wink!

Re: Ron Jeremy An Example

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:49 pm
by jimslip
Yes and when Ron did his advert for, he referred to himself as, "Ron Jeremy, porn actor and performer." Note not, "Pornstar". Of all people that deserve this accolade, surely Ron Jeremy deserves it.

Re: Ron Jeremy An Example

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:04 pm
by frankthring

Two things : 1) Mr Slip, since our tastes differ very much in porn I take
nothing you say particularly persionally, but on the attitude of "bored"
studs with a "look at me, aren`t I divine" kinda attitude I would say
that Steve Hooper always conveyed (maybe not deliberately but lets
ignore that), a certain insouciance and Tony di Sergio only slightly less
so (but Tony always liked a good butt-fucking too so I respect his
perversity). 2) I worked with Ron Jeremy many times when I lived
in Hollywood. Lovely man, Very jewish. Very funny. Known as "the hog"
not so much for his looks as his rather cavalier attitude to personal
hygiene but absolutely one of the greats with his famous trick of giving
a director a countdown "10-9-....1" etc to his cumshots ! A true legend.

Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:10 pm
by Dave Wells
"Personally most reality porn makes me vomit being neither really reality and with crap production values".

Totally agree but alas, that's pretty much the norm now with no budgets, very little imagination and thus no or miniscule profit to be made.

Re: Ron Jeremy An Example

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:17 pm
by jimslip
Yes Frank, Ron was certainly a little, "LA" nutty. When we DP'd the lovely Chantelle, when he was in London, he insisted on placing a towel carefully over his leg or mine depending who was underneath so as to avoid contact, "With another guy!" Chantelle and I watched in fascination as he moved the towel around, a centimetre at a time, until he felt it was, "Just right!" This took around 5 minutes! lol

This awakened me to the, "Spontaneity" of LA porn! lol

Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:02 pm
by jimslip
I think Franks generalisation, "Most reality porn makes me vomit being neither reality and low production values" in principle can be applied to his so called, "Fantasy" codswallop!

Just because a pretentious director empties the contents of the local fancy dress hire shop, bungs it on a few birds with fake tits and has a guy dressed as Gladiator being pushed around in the back garden of a location, in a wheely bin, which we are supposed to think is a chariot, shouting, "Unleash the hounds of Hell!" does not make it a porn version of Gladiator and as such "Better" than a rubbish reality film.

There is plenty of total shit in both camps, difference is the "Fantasy" brigade think they are impressing us all, with their piss poor versions of major blockbusters. The shit film " Pirates"comes immediately to mind. In this so called fantasy porno blockbuster, they couldn't be arsed to knock up a background made of timber to make it look like they were in an old Man 'O War. They used grey office partitions, without even a window cut in. No doubt the director would have been looking down and sneering at all of us purveyors of reality!

Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:27 pm
by one eyed jack
Havent we been here many times before on this same topic?

We always arrive at the same answer and that is porn is subjective to individual tastes

All this talk of "production values" sounds like producers having a pissing contest.

Is there not a few producers who think that redecorating their liivng room with rubbish bags and scrawling graffiti on the wall constitutes production values?

I say the producer actually making bank these days must be ok because he has the man on the street willing to put his hand in his pocket to buy the stuff he likes and in an age of free porn thats got to be a good testimonial in itself

The way I see it, nice porn with nice people or reality depends on how you pull it off and whether people like it or not.

Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:08 am
by planeterotica
Well Old Farts is a popular site and has been established for a number of years and would therefore disprove any theory that you need good looking gym freak type studs to sell porn !wink!

Re: Are Studs becoming redundant?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:25 am
by jimslip
Yes we have been down this road many times and it is indeed a futile argument. I think in my case if there is a porn actress I like, I want to see and hear "Her, the person" rather than see and hear her being made to badly act some part doled out by a director with aspirations to be the next James Cameron. I think the true, "Production values" in porn are within the girls themselves. I want to see them freed from the chains and responsibilities that being made to "act" brings upon them. Porn actresses haven't been to acting school, their strength lies is doing and enjoying sex as a performance. Acting some rubbish role kills this fundamantal strength.

This is why so called "Fantasy porn" is pushing up the daisies, not because as Frank would have you think, the, "Public like mank". Firstly, it is because this stuff isn't fantasy at all. To make fantasy, you must suspend belief, I do not for one second believe a stud wearing wrap around shades, covered in a bed sheet, with some mint stuffed in his hair is, Julius Caesar, sorry, but there it is! I do not beleve that because 2 people are dressed up as pirates and standing in a set, with some muslin drapped over them, saying, "Let us fuck before we set sail!" that I am in a pirate ship! lol
The consumer doesn't suddenly have a "taste for mank" it's more the case that the public can't be arsed being made to endure some dreadfully made and atrociously acted rendition of what had once been a good film. Sometimes I wonder if the makers of this stuff are responsible for the Japanese inventing the Fast Forward button on remote controls. Imagine life without FF? Having to sit
through each agonising second of some appalling plot unfolding, in front of you.
Without the FF button, I reckon the Worldwide suicide rate would treble! lol