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Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:34 am
by joe king
Update 04Aug10
supportpage has been updated
CEO will be in touch with hosting to improve download speed

Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:58 am
by jj
I'll probably sign up for a month, later today.... let's see what progress has been
made in the past two months, eh?

BTW.... just a thought, but have you tried using a video-joining program to link
those annoying split files? I've had reasonable results in the past with free

Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 4:01 pm
by jj
Initial impression- excellent.
The FAQs list a monthly rate of E29.95 so was pleasantly surprised to be charged
E19.95 [maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this? Anyhoo, you can go whistle now,
if you want an extra ten [img][/img] ].
More payment options would be good, though- I resent being forced to work on a
"cancel or we'll keep on scalping you" basis; and it's a shame loyalty isn't
rewarded with discounts- let's not forget that with time the amount of fresh
material will of course diminish drastically.

My long-haul d/l speed averages 510 kb/s so for the largest files [1.5G] I'm fairly
happy with the around 2-hour wait for my goodies. Quality, even of the older
material, seems very good [the newer stuff is- as you have a right to expect-
brilliant]. I didn't bother with anything but the hi-res stuff, and can't see why
anyone else would either; J+L should maybe do some market-research to see whether
they can safely ditch the med/low-res material.
There's enough content to keep me happy for a good while, and the site is a
doddle to navigate.
Well done! [img][/img]

Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 4:08 pm
by jj
....and one more thing [although he's by no means alone in this crime]:

TAKE YER FECKING SOX OFF!"!!!!!!!!!!!!! [img][/img]

Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:50 am
by a m playlist
jj wrote:

> ....and one more thing [although he's by no means alone in this
> crime]:
> TAKE YER FECKING SOX OFF!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> [img][/img]

Yep, I don't like it when the girls keep on sox/stockings/tights/shoes, either. Bare legs/feet and total nudity by the girls rule, OK!

How to trace the DL problem

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:20 am
by paul markham
There's ways to trace the problems with downloading.

One is to check your connection speed. This can be done at

And checking the connection speed between your computer and the hosts server. By doing a TRACEROUTE

Show it to anyone with any knowledge of speeds or compare it with one targeting and you will see where the problem is.

Without it the hosting company will just say"Everything's fine here"

Alternative is to send the hosting company your IP address and getting them to do a reverse Traceroute.

All sounds very technical but it's what the hosting company needs. And can show proof the problem is at the hosting end. The most common cause of this problem is too many people downloading at the same time from the same server.

Jimslip, have you set DL limits per day and a program to detect auto downloaders?

I know it sounds like doing either will piss off members, but unless you invest a lot of money in servers it's the only way to maintain the speed for the majority. A handful of auto downloaders on high speed connections can grind a server down to a crawl. It's a case of catering to the masses.

Sorry for the long technical post. LOL

Re: Nother 2 niggles

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:33 am
by jj
Have to disagree; hosiery should be made compulsory- just not for men.

2 more [presumably server-related] demerits have emerged after a little more time:
a) downloads are not resumable;
b) site 'locks-up' somewhat if you're transferring several files at once- i.e. it
takes more than a while for the next one to load.
Irritating rather than serious, but worth future attention.

Re: Nother 2 niggles

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:21 am
by a m playlist
jj wrote:

> Have to disagree; hosiery should be made compulsory- just not
> for men.

Here we have to agree to disagree. I find girls with not a stitch on much more attractive than ones with some form of apparel on.

Re: a serious one...

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:08 am
by jj
.... in what is beginning to resemble a soap-opera.

Second thoughts about overall quality: the Keira Farrell scene- a Jim Gem-
can only be described as piss-poor, even in high-res. Infuriatingly disappointing.
The marks out of ten are dropping.......

Re: Problems with Jim slip

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:25 am
by untold
Author: Twingo
Date: 08-02-10 23:14

I tried a quick download earlier using the trailers from the main page. It was doing just under 3mbit second (320-350KB), so a 300MB file would have took around 15minutes........not super fast, but not super slow either.

In my experience the sites that have very low download speeds make sure the trailers can download quickly. If the trailers took forever to download would you koin up. You don't find out how slow the files are to download until you've paid your money. Or if you are lucky looked on a site like this and been informed by others who have been mugged