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Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:14 pm
by oli_cortez
Site is an absolute mess. Think i will stick with killergram much better!


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:27 pm
by paulpaul
Right now it looks like a site from the 90's, almost everything is wrong. The layout, the colours, the navigation.. :(
Even the blog has images that have been sized wrong so the dimensions are messed up (squashed) but right clicking and 'viewing image' shows the proper proportioned image. Schoolboy error stuff.

Sorry guys but you wanted honest opinions.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:29 pm
by Christian Storm
I don't need to see the programing to know that its basically the same as before with some new HTML


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:36 pm
by BobbyDuke

I am the project leader on the website. We are taking your comments seriously and working very hard to accommodate our customers and improve the site... but there is a lot of content on the site and it is a lot of work. We are also in the midst of turning this into a monthly subscription site, which takes time and manpower. When this project is complete, your experience on our site will be vastly improved. Stick with us, you wont be disappointed.


Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:01 pm
by BobbyDuke

Hang tight. We'll have more information for you very soon.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:42 am
by Dace
nobody has ever criticised them for the content of their website as far as I am aware, most of their stuff is high quality no-one can argue that (heavenlys scene had a few major issues, but the rest of the content is very good) - a lot of people complain that they can't even get the basics right on their website and they seem to like to promise people scenes and either never release them on time or never release them at all

they're nearly there though, once they sort the website side of things out they'll be flying


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:13 pm
by Scaramanga
Well i can now see the site properly and while i don't think bangbros have anything to fear its not fact it just seems a like the old one but slightly differently presented.

There are niggling things like the non-appearance of the tv birds, that daft blog and angel candy buttons being right in the centre of the page instead of a basic thing like a content search field and like the preview pictures varying so much in size and quality that there is little point looking.

Ultimately my expectations of a site that was hyped up this much from within was that it would be like a 'british brazzers' or something and its anything but that...still, better than a kick in the bollocks i guess.


Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:04 pm
by Dace
a british brassers is Killergram if you want my opinion
Bluebird seem to want to re-invent the wheel when it comes to their website, their reasoning for this is their own, I'm fucked if I can work out why