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Re: xxxsportbabes

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:15 pm
by yazmin
Well said and thank you lester2705 XX

Super Randy - your soooooo not worth it! xxxx

Re: xxxsportbabes

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:33 pm
by harmonyluvver
Do you verbally berate the checkout staff in supermarkets for selling you over priced items with a smile on their faces ? Do you post nasty comments on the internet when a company on the TV makes the claim of being the cheapest or having low prices when they obviously dont ? The girls work there they do what they are told to do just like the rest of us. There is no occupation in the world that is 100% honest. We all are part of some kind of rip off system and we all justify it by saying "just doing my job" or knowing we have to pay the mortgage. It is just easy to take a pops at people on here, as no one really knows you and some people on here just seem to have a grudge against this particular channel and feel the need to post negative comments every single time a thread relating to the sport turns up. At the end of the day YOU CANNOT SEE HARDCORE ON BRITISH TV. Get over it. Stop spending your ?6 on it to see if it has changed then whining about it on here. Just keep checking on here because I have no doubt that the moment things change it will be a very hot thread. Then if things change we will see who is actually doing what wont we? Question is will the ones who have shot their mouths off that "they dont do it and its all faked"( based on no fact and solely on their opinion by the way) post on here and apologise to the girls they maligned ?

Re: XXXSportbabes

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:42 am
by harmonyluvver
Number 1: How do you know they faked it ? If one or two do fake does that mean they all do ?

Number 2: Several people on here have said they enjoyed it and did not mention faking it. Most people have said they THINK its fake and like I have already put that view is based ENTIRELY on their opinion and not on fact at all. Harmony and Yazmin posted saying they had had orgasms and were called liars. That is out of order.

Number 3: All Tv is fake in some way even the news does not portray the whole truth, only the bits that will make people watch.

Number 4: WTF how can you even comment when you haven't watched it? What are your opinions and views based on?

We actually do know for a fact that before christmas we got to see close ups of held open pussy's, we got to see fingers rubbing clits, oral close up and quite a few camera slips. That is not my opinion I SAW it just like lots of other people did. (However ofcon cracked down on them after someone from this forum complained about it) To then make the assumption that because they dont show it from the more explicit angles anymore they have all started faking it is ludicrous. Yes some girls probably do but that does not mean all the girls do by any means and to lump them all together is unfair. A lot of those girls do boy girl and girl girl as their job. There are a lot of these phone channels out there its more than possible that some of the people who are attacking this channel are in some way attached to one of the other channels.
Less and less industry people post on this forum and its not hard to see why. Eventually this will become a forum of video pirates, 40 year old virgins and serial killers moaning and bitching about nothing. Attack the owners of the channel attack ofcon but leave the girls alone. They are just trying to survive like the rest of us.

Re: XXXSportbabes

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:18 am
by harmonyluvver
Well thankfully I am 28 and have a real partner.

Exactly IF they are, then they are misleading. The important word being IF. If they are I agree. however you and did not say if before you said

"They faked sex and they should admit to it."

No ifs or buts and no proof.

What I am trying to say is before people accuse others of lying they should have proof. Not just go on speculation.

Re: XXXSportbabes

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:34 am
by yazmin
Well said harmonyluvver - love you babe x

Super Randy - i do not like to be called a fake, liar or a con as i am far from it - with me what you see is what you get and if i were a fake, then i assure you i'd be ringing my old boss up and asking for my old job back as clearly this industry would not be for me!

Also if your 26 and have a girlfriend then i think you should take her out more and enjoy life as you clearly have too much time on your hands, as your always on here moaning about SportXXX

I'm sorry to be harsh, but you were too in slating ALL of us girls, when NOT all of us fake it!

Yazmin x