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Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:32 pm
by c.j.jaxxon
Sorry to hear that. I guess the porn business as with any other business can be cut throat.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:49 pm
by nasty
I don't know either of you guys personally. But, I've got to say from around the forum and in interviews, Marino, you seem to be a nice guy and pardon the pun, a stand up guy.

You just keep doing your thing, brother. (I just turned into the Hulkster)

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:57 pm
by algarve addick
I read that Mario's penchant for steroid use made his behaviour erratic and unpredictable and Ben decided to drop him from his productions.
I have to say that there was no evidence to suggest he had turned 'funny' from the dozen or so great films i saw him perform in....
Maybe Ben and / or Mario could shed some light on this mystery for their fans?

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:40 pm
by Benny Brando
I reckon Marino has told us all what he wants us to know and that we should now respect his right to privacy.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:34 am
by Marino
Algarve, No the steroid were nothing to do with me and Ben. In fact steroids enhance your performance. Now that is how I personally found them..

No it was very personal with Ben and much jealousy, including approaching my women behind my back. On many different occasions.
Did his best to keep me of the shelves in the sex shops. And loves to spread the mad rumours, if I was that mad it would not have been me that won him so many awards, got him a huge contract last year when he thought he was finished.
And he certainly would not have worked on my movies my cameraman either. There is so much more. No I am not mad. and do not have any mood swings even when taking gear.( People piss me off I get upset) but I have always been that way. Rip me off I will fuck them up. which in my language means smash there fucking faces in. And if they are bigger than me, hide and hit them over the head with something. AAAARRRGGGHHHHHVIOLENCE MAD RAGE KILL KILL KILL KILL.
Roid rages as they are known. are something you kind of go through when first testing yourself out on gear. It generally lowers your tolerance level, but once you understand about how your body reacts to which drug, it is easy to understand. And the funny thing is my drug of choice was always winstrol, which does not cause roid rage or madness, it is the testosterones that tend to make a person have the rages. And again each individual is different.

Unfortunately I struggle to put weight on, and believe me it was many years of being a power lifter before I ever took any gear. I have an incredible amount of adrenalin which burns up calories and makes it virtually impossible to put weight on naturally.

I am far from mad my friend, even though I mock myself. It would not be possible for me to live the life I do. And keep the company I keep.
I still have around twenty five unseen Road Trips to release, three more twins movies and the whole of the Weekend Rampage series. So I do not have time for mad or mod swings. I am too busy.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:06 am
by Alex
What kind of weights are you lifting these days marino? Did you ever hit 300-400-500 in the bench-squat-deadlift?

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:06 am
by Marino
Used to get 260kg squat, Bench 160 and dead lift 235. Now I am just getting the weights back up, as the struggle to get regular food pattern and training. I am repping 140 bench and 150 squat, I don't dead lift as regularly so around 200.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:54 pm
by Alex
Respect due. The 300-400-500 was in pounds so if you were throwing 260kilos in the squat you're well past that.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:05 pm
by Trumpton
Oooh, get her! Mwah!