And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
one eyed jack
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by one eyed jack »

I know what you are talking about Rude Boy, I was well impressed with the talent out there. Soft, hard shoots and stills done in 2 hours, excellent performers, well turned out girls, turn up on time, wonderful attitudes, great people who know their porno stuff and willing to push themselves that extra bit to please the producer. I have nothing but praise for all I have worked with in Europe and I'm definitely making more trips out there next year but I can't deny that we also have a wealth of talent to be mined here also both behind and in front of the camera and most of my clients would be disappointed if I didnt keep the British end up...And besides, I would never turn my back on the people who made me what I am today. Britain fuckin' rocks man!!! (coming so soon, you can almost taste it in the air)
one eyed jack
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by one eyed jack »

Sorry to hear that Dave. You're an old hand at this, how come you ain't doing your own thing by now like Ben, Marino and Omar? You know as well as I do there is no longevity in being employed by some companies when the bottom (pardon the pun) is always dropping out. The key to survival for any producer is owning their own material.
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by davewells »

Skint mate, thats why!
Phil mCc
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by Phil mCc »

Dave its mainly because you live in Scotland (well MC used to be) You need to be in or around London to pick up on whats going on, I would suggest you drop down to my place for a day and I can get you involved in Global Digital Broadcast or Xtreamheat the new unrestricted HC channel.
As to this thread sorry guys you are all well off the mark, I know the big guys they are mates, they used to make millions now they are making thousands. Why do you think big companies are selling up to others VCA to Hustler etc. I was asked to describe the adult industry recently and here's the answer "Its like a race horse with no back legs, you need to ride it because you own it but its slowing down no cunt wants to buy it coz it has no back legs so you keep riding it till it dies or shoot it and go do something else" The only saviour is my new set up it will be like a set of bionic legs a delivery service that will fuck the pirates (well trading standards don't give to shits) what am I paying the BBFC for to restrict my sales to licensed shops the trading standards are all over them because they have a TV in their shop but they ignore the 10 Pirates selling DVD guys every week at my local market selling Terry's and Ben's stuff (they won't sell my stuff coz its not good enough & the sight of the Irn Bru bottle full of petrol helped) when I rang trading standards (the same one who emptied my warehouse then gave me it all back) they told me they knew every market had at least 6 pirate sellers on them but they did not have enough staff to cope (well they are busy with the canopy epidemic in Brighton). And most punters will buy a pirate DVD now be honest lads.
As for sex its free now the industry was about us producing for lonely guys who would stay at home wanking over our latest releases now they have the internet they have personalities girlfriends all over the world, they have Bukkake parties & gang bangs where they can shag models for 30 quid if not for free.
Some punters worked out all they needed was a digital camera and they were professionals traveling round the UK paying peanuts or doing test shoots more importantly shoot shit and calling it a product, The other punters buying it because its raw and reality is what maters,"fuck that who wants reality I want a bit of fantasy for a change" Fuck Truck has always be succesful for me and it still is not because it was real but because we made a great job of making it look real it was shot on Beta-cam or Broadcast digital now, it was a production. I guy going round shaging models while filming it aint a production. I have been forrtunate to view nearly everyones material during the screening processed for BluePrint and some of it is good, some of it is ok and some of it is shit,,,,and I feel qualified to say that even some of the best has mistakes bad exposure, bad focus at points I can't understand why the editors never saw it and either cut it out or toned it down a bit (maybe they are not editors). Truth is most of the guys I know are trying to improve but its not easy when you have no budget.
All that stuff about John Leslie Andy is rubbish I know John have a look at his big budget stuff Dogwalker I think is one, its easy to shoot low budget once you have made a name, but at the start imposible, John Stagliano does not want a British Producer thats why he has turned down everyone over the years even with Chris Norman in there batting for the UK. Technoligy has made it to easy to shoot, edit and make DVD's but not made anyone have to learn sound, lighting, exposure, use technoligy to get us back up there,

Here is my answer to save it, go Streaming with your own chanel so it comes direct from the producer to the punter world wide miss out the Shops, BBFC, Ofcom, Pirates. when we have screened it for a month then release it to shops. Just like MGM/Sony/Columbia/RCA do it would be our cinema. Believe me I have the ability to set up a global chanel for every producer for low monies and it works it has full Digital managment and to try and copy it would be hard work and shit quality for the pirates so it will combat them a bit.
The offer is there so unless you want me to come round and push fivers through your door contact me.


"Stop laughing and tell me it's big"
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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by tas »

I have been round to jims and seen the channels in action and it does look very impressive, we are seriously concidering joining in

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Re: And you wonder why UK porn is so bad..

Post by davewells »

Jim, thanks for your offer and concern mate but I live in Manc because London is too expensive for me to live with the pathetic amount of work that I now do in this biz.
I may look to move down south early next year though.
And as for popping in to see you - I'd love to but you're miles away in Brighton. And what exactly are you going to show me. Probably something that I would have to shell out money on in the hope that I could make it successful. Well I can't - I'm skint!!!
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