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Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:21 am
by Jock
The problem is that Customs use the BBFC guidelines in deciding what they should ‘allow’, which means that although they can't open every package, there is always the risk of an order containing consensual adult material being seized, if it contravenes BBFC guidelines.

Of course, mainland European satellite is a great uncensored resource, but you do not have a direct choice of the films shown, you rarely, if ever, get to see the DVD extras, and certain titles (e.g. Virtual sex) don’t really work on anything other than DVD. Not to mention the fact that the majority of UK satellite viewers only have $KY, and may be unknowlegable about the other options, or unwilling to get anything else.

Of course, the UK adult industry should have challenged the BBFC for their continuing censorship of consensual adult material, but, as proved by the AITA response to the Ofcom consultation, they are worried about one thing only – money! Unfortunately, rather than spending some money in challenging the BBFC, when their relative monopoly is sufficiently threatened, they react by attacking other legitimate sources to preserve their position.

I have never purchased an R18 certificate video/DVD (and have no intention of doing so) because they are potentially sub-standard (censored) and expensive – I hope now that the AITA have publicly shown their true colours, others will go elsewhere for their purchases and hit them where it hurts!

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:30 am
by Jock
EverHard, do you mean material that is legal in the EU Member State from which it is purchased, or legal in the UK? AFAIK, Customs can/do seize anything which contravenes BBFC regulations, even if it features consenting adults performing acts which are, in themselves, legal, and is legally sold in other EU Member Sates.

Unfortunately, the ECHR has so many caveats, that the UK authorities can seemingly get away with anything, until legally challenged.

Re: It's a wank don't rush it.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:54 am
by eduardo
I agree with some of your points there and I for one have myself bought some pirated films but that was before R18 and the online retailers came into play.

Now I want the real thing, legitimate Dvd, with box and cover.

Do I buy in sex shops? Yes if they offer me the right deal.

Dop I buy online? Yes because I shop around from good companies for the best prices. There's nothing wrong with that as most of us shop around whether it be for a car or whatever.

I do take your point on pirated copies and taking momey out of the hands of producers etc. If the producer don't get his cut then he aint going to be able to make a decent living or reinvest into other films.

I worked for a bookmakers for years and there was a similar problem there. All bookies for years never paid a fair price to horse racing for covering and using thar sport as a means to make money with the party line being that the two aren't connected which was the biggest load of bollocks ever. Of course they are connected.

Now it's got to the stage where horse racing is nearly bankrupt. Courses are broke, prize money is shite compared to other countries etc.

It just goes to show that if you bite the hand that feeds then ....................

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:14 am
by Sir Noel Plum
A lot of brits post on that forum as well you know. It's not just Yanks!

One of the biggest problems I have with the R18s I have seen is simply that the quality is down from the US version. As often as not the extras are missing or heavily curtailed, the boxcover has been redesigned (and I use the word 'deisign' in the loosest possible sense of the word, hacked to pieces would often be closer to the mark) and incredibly even the picture quality of R18 dvds I have seen has been worse than the US version with pixellation or saturation issues. Nobody is going to willingly pay more for a lesser product.


Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:13 pm
by sandie
do any of u know what the hell ur talkin about!!!

change isnt always pleasant but necessary.

appears that we in the UK dont have the time or inclination for change tho!

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:48 pm
by Sir Noel Plum
They are a lot happier now Ashcroft is going.

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:49 am
by joe king

Is your site down at the moment?

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:30 am
by tas
works for me