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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:32 pm
by SimonD
Good answer!!!

Especially the Simply Red / Iron Maiden bit ;)

This is a subject close to my heart as I always thought it's about getting the girl to look more different than the scenery, similar thing with photography, hell I use a lot of the same poses but on differrent girls, from one to another look completely different (hmm that sounded a little daft but hopefully you get the drift)

Anyway, keep doin what your doin cos it works ;)

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:13 pm
by JP
You seem to missing the point Ben, using your analogy of "Simply Red" 10 years ago they would produce an Album that would sell in it's millions, now they would be lucky to sell thousands, the reason is simple, they have not evolved and are happy to churn out the same songs over and over again. The net result in this is that one time fans no longer buy the new material as it sound the same as songs produced 10 years ago.

I have in the past bought several of your movies and certainly the early ones were without equal, in terms of standard of girls etc however I would not buy one now because nothing has changed. I'm not having a go at you personally as the very same issues apply to other Brit Porn producers, you just happen to be one with the highest profile.

You never know, if you try something new and innovative former fans like me may start to buy your movies again.


Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:08 pm
by John Mason
It never fails to amaze me how many 'armchair directors' there are out there! If you don't like what he's doing don't buy it! If you think you can do better then put your money where your limp dick is!
For fucks sake this man has put British porn on the map, you should be grateful for what he's done and what he's still doing not slagging him off. Is it any wonder why more producers don't bother posting her........

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:37 pm
by JP
Message to John Mason

The point of a forum is that people can express their views with the aim of stimulating some sort of discussion, if you don't like that point of view then tough.

Why can't you offer a reasoned argument without the need to get personal, In my post I was in no way personal about Ben and merely offered a viewpoint about his movies, he to be fair offered his point of view in a sensible reply unlike your good self whose post shows the contempt you hold for the views that nomal punters like myself expess on this forum.


Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:54 pm
by John Mason
The post wasn't aimed at you personally....and why can't I express MY point of view! And my point still stands more producers and models would post here but for the need for certain individuals to 'express their views', and snipe at them under the pretext of 'offering a reasoned arguement'.
Just think about how many producers and models there are in this industry and how few of them post here......ever thought why!
99% of this forum is genuine and this is no way aimed at you, but that 1% is the reason why more industry professionals don't post here.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:48 pm
by jj
Ben's pretty much retired anyway, so the point is moot. If you don't like his stuff, don't buy it: but it's still streets ahead of the average effort.
......."any wonder why more producers don't bother posting here"?......sensitive little souls, aren't they, to be frightened of a teensy bit of crit? They usually only post here when they want to shift their gear (with a few noble exceptions), and I doubt most of them give a flying fuck about the punters who so richly line their pockets (despite constant avowals of poverty- if it pays that badly, go be a dustman or a nurse, then...........yeah: thought not).
I agree JP's comments aren't exactly constructive, and was surprised that Ben bothered to post such a robust defence from his nuclear-powered 2000 h.p. Lambo wheelchair, but you can't pick one piss-poor example to beat the rest of us poor punters over the head with and make out what a downtrodden lot you poor prods are.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:55 pm
by jj
Most industry pros DO post here, AFAICT: but only when they want some free puff (you are one of the 'noble exceptions' I referred to). And I partially read in that a contempt for the punter that harks back to the 'bad old days'.
Those that don't, and especially the models, presumably have better things to do. And good luck to them- but let's not blame your '1%' for that. If a model or a producer gets 'attacked' in one post, there usually appears a majority of replies attacking the 'attacker'.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:30 pm
by John Mason
I don't have contempt for the punters, if I did then why have I made all my DVd's over 150 minutes instead of the usual 90 minutes. Some future releases are going to be 4 hour double discs for the same price as everything else and it will all be new content not archive footage.
Why have I donated full scenes to be given away free on promotional DVD's and before you say to sell more product, I'll point out that most of the scenes are from releases that haven't even been released yet! The reason is that I'm trying to give value for money.
And sad though it is to say a lot of models and producers DON'T post here BECAUSE of that 1%. I won't mention names but a typical responce I get when I ask them why they don't post here is " Fuck that I'm not getting the piss taken out of me on there!"
Even though everyone tends to attack the attacker the damage has already been done.
This is not an attack on you JJ, I'm just making my point in my usual fashion.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:07 pm
by Lizard
So! anyway Ben, are you going next year?................for your hat trick!

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:07 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Would you be so kind as to point out the average products for me so I can avoid

I recently read on the vivthomas forum a post that basically canned one of his earlier videos

In his reply he actually agreed and gave some common sense insight into the difficulties producers come across when the performers aren't really into each other especially in Lez scenes.You can have the best of everything but if the performers aren't really up for it or they are just there to make a quick buck then the product will suffer

Can't remember to many producers canning their own products-very refreshing
