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Re: What direction will BlueBird be going in?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:08 pm
by DanG
"We are shooting our features in the US. With the same production team that shot 'Pirates' and 'The 4' and 'Dinner Party' [the biggest ever selling US feature in the last 10 years]."

'Dinner Party' is the biggest ever selling US feature in the last 10 years? What, more than the likes of Jenna Loves Brianna, Fashionistas, Island Fever, The Masseuse, New Devil In Miss Jones?

I think not...seems like someone has been telling you some porkie pies!!!

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:09 pm
by Harry Hardon
I'd like to know which Porn Film cost ?3 million to make. Don't event think Caligula cost that much...

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:43 pm
by one eyed jack
WilliamG...I dont think people personally hate Blue Bird. Hate is a strong word. Most of the negative words seem to come from disputes within their own camp. This thread is spiralling out of control and all because Hiwatt said something various people took offfence too...namely the warning to producers about using models a year after their contract has expired.

If it was within their contract this thread would not have got to 250 posts!!! (It was about 64 when i last looked).

You have to follow the threads to understand what is going on. in truth I got bored

This industry is always going to be stubborn and bullheaded if someone says something that other producers take umbrage too.

Think of the industry as dogs with their own bones then picture what happens when another dog comes near your bones. Big doggies and little doggies alike will growl and snarl to warn each other off but rarely will they bite unless the other doggy makes a move to take anothers bone.

Thats what we have here.

I'm sure I could stand up with Mr Hiwatt over a beer and debate the merits of the industry and if necessary, agree to disagree.

Hate is too strong a word but it would be nice to see more unity in this industry.

Negativity just gets in the way of progress for those in the business of it and the end user. Imagine being embroiled in all this stuff then watching a scene and thinking about it.

Its only going to ruin some quality wank time isnt it?

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:51 pm
by Keiranlee

"And Kieran Lee, when do you ever stop drinking from the fountain that is BB's butthole? So they employed you a few times mate. And there are plenty of producers in UK porn who won't. Because your ego outweighs your ability. Get over it. You're just coming across as bitter and vindictive by constantly sucking up on these posts at the expense of others.

If anyone ever knew how to burn bridges it's you kieran. Save for Bluebird of course."

LOL....This made me laugh, my ego out weighs my ability....

Mate im settled on a very nice 3 year contract that pays very well with one of the biggest companies in porn at the minute...

As for producers that won't book me in the UK....I was doing very well when i worked in the UK, to be fair i was prob shooting more than any other performer before my move to the states...

As for my ability your right, i have a small dick, i cant get hard, i cum to quick and always struggle...

Tell my why i should feel the need to support bluebird? I won't be working for them anytime soon nor will i be returning to the UK any time i will continue to support bluebird as they have always done right by me, unlike one company in the UK...

So sorry to piss on your fire Tim....

Re: What direction will BlueBird be going in?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:47 pm
by Cenobitez
Nikki Jayne wouldnt have touched Bluebird, not because of anything they do, but because they aint her top '3'.

Digital Playground

In that order are the only 3 she would have signed too, she had no interest in working the 'scene' and did The Initiation to earn to her wings as it were.

As BJS said, those 3, penthouse etc have the huge base to make an instant star, but as young as BB is, they can't make that 'just yet', who knows in the future they may be able to.