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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 1:37 pm
by Richas
I'm dyslexic. You think that's funny? your a twat Shiola. Simple as that. Twat. spelt wrong or right...your one.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:02 pm
by nachovx
I'm a bit concerned at the lack of information the police want to give out ... they refuse or seem reluctant to answer a lot of straight forward questions at press conferences Three and a half days later they've released no names of victims, leaving worried families in the dark. Why haven't they rounded up known Muslim extremists and put them in detention centres? The former head of the Met seems to think it's virtually certain the perpetrators are British born ... which if true will make the crime even worse and undoubtedly will result in a backlash on the whole Muslim community in the UK.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:05 pm
by Richas
A mosques already been firebombed on the wirral..a sad development, hopefully it's an isolated incident and not a sign of worse to come.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:01 pm
by Guilbert
Did anybody know this ?. Found it on the BBC web site dated
4th July.

Is it any wonder the people of Afghanistan (and Iraq) are pissed
of with the USA (and us).

US regrets Afghan civilian deaths

The US military says it regrets that civilians were killed in an air strike
by US forces in eastern Afghanistan.

Women and children were among 17 killed in the raid on Chechal village,
Konar province governor Assadullah Wafa said.

The bombing last Friday was part of a search for four missing special
forces soldiers. One has been found safe.

A second US soldier is alive and being cared for by villagers, Mr Wafa
said. The US military would not comment. A hunt for the missing three