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Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:13 pm
by one eyed jack
My opposing ATVOD is solely on the basis that it is unworkable in its mission statement.

So it shuts al the porn sites down

What are they regulating the internet for? They cannot effectvely protect children without understanding the business and the fact they are unwittingly helping the tube and file sharing sites to flourish without age verification in place is offensive to legitimate producers who do everything by the book with tests and paying taxes

Level the playing field and people might see ATVOD as a service worth buying in to.

You cant regulate one set of shops with blacked out windows while across the road there is an open market trading freely giving the stuff it stole away for free and left unregulated

No child goes to websites when all they have to do is use a search engine on their web browser as demonstrated on Channel 4's "Porn On The Brain"

You need to decide if you are coming back into this if it is something you should be proactive on in defending if you want to protect the future in what you do