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Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:54 pm
by one eyed jack
Thanks for acknowledging how out of date our system is.

Like the US you could sue anyone for damages and loss of earnings if they caught something that put them out of work, even if they consented to it

Heres an example...Its no different to any other form of employment. If you sustained an injury or illness resulting from conditions in a job you agreed to do you could still build a case but we havent had anything of that severity to warrant a test case

HIV, Hepatitis or Syphillis ruining your life could be a different matter. The question is proving it.

Yes the certs arent a deterrent against STD's but thats not what its for. It shows a work history that in the event of an outbreak could be used to help a quarantining become more effective by tracking those involved manually. Its not effective, but its all we got to work on.

I had a recent meeting with the Talent Testing people from the US and what they have is a system in place that, while you might be sceptical in light of the 4 HIV cases recently in the US, what it has done is isolated those people really quick through this system of testing and protocol and made the difference between 4 people testing positive to a lot more that could potentially go undetected under our out of date methods.

I've stated the reality of their system not being in place right now is due to the relaxed culture of content swaps and Adult Work and the fact the UK business is in disarray where some people think that by working with friends then they do not need tests.

Thats all lovely until your friends work with their friends who you dont know who work with more friends etc. Theyre are to many groups crossing over now, gay for pay, straight for pay etc its not as cut and dried as it used to be.

STDs do not come from the business. It is imported from outside the business, whether it be parties, bukakkes, escorting, working abroad in Europe r even the US where certain STDs are more prevalent ie syphillis in different strains of gonorreah in Europe. There are ways to dramatically reduce the risks if people wish to use them

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:46 am
by videokim
"relaxed culture of content swaps and Adult Work" that's unfair to say that as all the people we work with on content share for their sites or AW always have up to date certs & most also use condoms as well.

We find main stream actors & actresses more precocious in the fact that some do a lot of work in clubs here & abroad bareback & then go on to shoot films etc, we make blacklists of people who have worked in the States, eastern Europe & Africa unless they can provide 3 current monthly certs so there is a safety system going on from our end & the people we work with.

We find the amateur industry has its shit together far more than the mainstream industry & if there are any people doing content share or paid jobs without test please pass on their details, people doing content share, escorting or using Adult Work don't cause problems for the industry in any way its the brainless people doing bareback in films & parties that are the risk to AM & Pro alike.

We have tried for years to get some sort of unity but its impossible as people are scared of giving away too much details on their workings, the recession as made it even harder for models & producers who are now taking more chances than ever to make ends meet.

At least with content share you can't get sued as an employer as both parties are working together & not for any one party / employer.

John - using Kim's profile.

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:33 pm
by one eyed jack
I dont think that comment is unfair at all Kim.

The amateur side of the business is far bigger than what we know about I'm sure you will agree. o one pro or amateur is inncent outside of our scope of understanding. The large part of it have no idea who you , me, UKAP, the UK or the rest of the business is.

I keep meeting people who do adult work unaware there are standards and precautions like heath tests required. Take Ella (the subject of this thread)for example. Would you class her amateur or professional? She wold be a typical girl among many and more we dont know about who don't even think they need to go to a clinic if they don't feel they have anything.

It seems to me there is a lot of ignorance out there. I'm only going by what I see before me as representative of a bigger picture I cannot see. Not who I've told and informed.

Thats why we will always have a problem. Porn isnt in the hands of the few doing it anymore. Its available to everyone and there's is a lot of reckless behaviour going on.

The lines between amateur/ semi pro and professional are blurred with all genders and orientations crossing over to make content.

Girls who do bareback escorting arent all pro porn stars. Theyre regular girls trying to undercut the career girls

As I said, its not an unfair assumption to make at all. Its trench warfare. tell me it aint so

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:59 am
by scotdan
one eyed jack wrote:
> Yes the certs arent a deterrent against STD's but thats not
> what its for. It shows a work history that in the event of an
> outbreak could be used to help a quarantining become more
> effective by tracking those involved manually. Its not
> effective, but its all we got to work on.

How do certs show a work history?
I thought they only showed what the performers STD/HIV status is at the time of testing not a list of of whom they have worked with in the past .

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:07 am
by scotdan
videokim wrote:
we make blacklists of people
> who have worked in the States, eastern Europe & Africa unless
> they can provide 3 current monthly certs so there is a safety
> system going on from our end & the people we work with.

How do know if people have worked in the States, eastern Europe or Africa in the past three months?
Do you ask them and take their word that they haven't or do you give them some type of truth drug so they cannot lie to you?

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:50 am
by Cornish Chris
Nothing changes.

Angel Long brought up this debate on here over 10 years ago now. ... eply_12105

Meetings have been attended, STD's have been shared, cured and re-shared.

Reality is that were theres a fuck on offer blokes will be reckless and
were theres a few ???'s on offer, for new shoes, handbags of nose sherbet, some girls will take the risk.

Nothing changes.

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:55 am
by Rodallega
do you have contact information for Alyssa Divine ?
thanks rodz

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:20 am
by GirlsAtHome
I too have seen the posting of this girls work and can't only agree with monty!

I have recommended girls to him before and would only do this as I know he follows industry standard to keep people safe. I have also been approached to recommend models to the person at the heart of this page and wouldn't do it before and deffo won't do it now!

It does certainly seem as someone else posted earlier too as a thrill seeker just thinking about the happy ending!

Doesn't matter how hot, how perfect, how great... It's not worth the Russian roulette with your health!

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:32 pm
by videokim
Its common practice now to ask for the last 3 current written tests if they are new people or people you have not worked with before, people not doing this should give up the industry & do shop work instead as they are clearly not doing their job properly lol!

The girl you were talking about Terry...we wouldn't touch her with a barge pole & don't class her as an industry worker Am or Pro, we stand by what we say that the girls we know on AW & on the amateur circuit are very health conscious & no different to the people on the main circuit...

Its easy to blame someone so we understand they are the easiest to accuse but you have been wrong informed on this one mate, there are as many Pro actresses doing BB parties as there are girls on AW.

The test is only good on the first day & is only there as a safety blanket in case an outbreak happens, yes everyone is a risk but scaremongering is the last thing we need.

Some of the private clinics were giving full certs on just a blood test & with their way over the top charges it put a stop to a main data base in the UK so this as put us back years.

Re: Bareback No Certs

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:57 pm
by Harry Powell
When I posted my comment about Producer responsibilities everyone jumped onto the easy part - which the potential SDI's that could be passed on

However there is an equally important issue for producers that is being overlooked.

If "reasonable and applicable" standards are not adhered to, ie using Certs, then if the SDI was passed on, the infected party could have a legitimate lawsuit against the producer for basically violation of health & safety practices. And the Crown Prosecution Service could take this forward as a criminal matter to be tried in court.

As burocratical as that sounds, until the industry starts thinking of itself AS an industry then it will both never raise itself into something more, nor work in a professional and responsible manor.

How many Producers have Public and Employers Liability Insurance?

I doubt its as many as it should be, even among the more prolific and serious producers who post here...

I would love to hear your thoughts on this