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Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:22 am
by Peter
paul jones wrote:

> There is NOTHING that anyone in the industry needed to know
> that has not been published by AITA.

They could be told which clinic it is, so that anyone who currently has a worthless test from them can seek retesting at a competent clinic, and other performers can decide whether to work with someone who was a test from this cowboy outfit that may also be an 'error'.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:38 am
by Hugh6821
It is my understanding that this wasn't a worthless test as much as it was a false positive. You'll have a chance, but very small when it comes to HIV tests, to get a false positive in any clinic.

When you get a test for prostate cancer, you'll find out that it's highly prone for errors (unless they get better tests in the future.) Today, 7 out of 10 men who'll test positive for prostate cancer, will not have it. And 2.5 out 10 who have prostate cancer will not test positive.
And that's not because of the clinic where you are tested, it's because of the test.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:43 am
by puretotty

No I am not disapointed the performer as now been given a all clear test... I doubt any one is that sick...

But people have the right to air their concerns in such a serious matter, it makes me wonder why people are so against discussing this to a conclusion...

There (as has been said many times) still remains some points that are unanswered... what are we suppose to do bury our heads and dare not ask anything ?

My biggest question comes from the speculation as to when the first (failed) test was... now apparerlently the person who mentioned this as been challenged... but other people seem to be saying the same thing, and saying the rumours came from Twitter...

AITA say they have challenged the person who made this statement... and I am guessing that person hasnt answered... but that doesnt mean it's not true... I think we need to clarify that, now if me asking makes me the BAD GUY in this then so be it... but I am asking, has any one scene the CERT that said the girl had HIV, is it dated April, or as this person is suggested January ?

That is a massive point in this whole discussion... a point that has rumbled on for a week now... A simple question, as anyone in AITA seen the cert with the mistaken result on...

Other people have asked questions which seem to have been ignored, but I will let them air their concerns...

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:45 am
by Peter
Hugh6821 wrote:

> It is my understanding that this wasn't a worthless test as
> much as it was a false positive. You'll have a chance, but very
> small when it comes to HIV tests, to get a false positive in
> any clinic.

That's different from a 'clinical error' though, which means "someone f**ked up" if the term is being used correctly.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:08 am
by videokim
Yes we are all delighted the girl as an all clear but everyone is still worrying about their clinics & we can see their point if mistakes are happening then why? also if mistakes can happen like this have others been incorrect.

This as shown how safe our UK tests really are & how this needs to be worked on, the models on this forum & other forums want to know which clinic done the tests & you should tell them to stop the panic.

We have had a few models say to us they won't do unprotected bareback until they do know what clinic it was as they fear their certs or co workers certs are incorrect, if you fetch this to the crowds you need to answer their questions otherwise you will lose credibility with future problems.

To keep on side stepping the above question like embarrassed politicians only causes more worry & untrust from the models.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:08 am
by Hugh6821
If this was a clinical error and not a false positive, then I guess puretotty is right about us needing more information about this.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:21 am
by Tanya Cox
Latest ive heard is that the poor girl received someone elses blood results the 1st time, so she really is in the clear.

AITA i think you guys have done a great job and its very reasuring that you have a plan in place for when awful events such as this happen,
I don't know who she is so please let her know that i hope she's ok and doesn't let it ruin her life or career - it could of happened to anyone of us, she deserves a meddle for coming forward and not to mention love & support.

I think its discusting to hear someone has let her name slip,
yes part of me wanted to know who she was so that i would know if i was at risk too but i went to get tested straight away and planned to be tested weekly for the next 3months.
But with her, AITA & Paul Jones taking such brilliant precautions we really didn't need to know who she was.

- If we all put ourselfs in her shoes and think about what would we of done? i for one would of done the same thing and ask Paul or AITA to inform those ive worked with and keep my name out of it.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:53 am
by puretotty
oh joy more rumours and chinesse whispers... commence the belly rubs !

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:32 am
by videokim
It's not Tanyas fault here and she is only going by what she as been told, we won't get the answers on here, I have just received an email from a brainless c### asking why I am even bothering and butt out so things need to get back to normal. It's pratts like this that cause the problems and why the industry can't ever have unity.

Re: New AITA statemant

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:40 am
by puretotty
Yeah Kim I agree it appears most people dont want this issue discussed... and would rather just side step questions and quickly brush things under the carpet...

I really dont get some of the statements that have been made...

Again I ask, as anyone seen the CERT that shower her having HIV ? What was the date on it if so... let's SQUASH the rumour that it was back in January... if someone at AITA as seen it then please state so...