And stop pretending to be Jewish! A real Red Sea Pedestrian would not use such confusing words! He would save them for a nice chicken soup.
Now go away and think about that young man. Shmuck!!
Please help me id this great ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans
Buttsie Matey Boy Geezer,
Your right. Steve Irwin is as mad as a snake drinking Fosters. He (Steve) keeps on annoying various creatures and then jumping back and saying "jeez! That fella wants to bite me! And then I might bleed out and die.". Which he might. With a bit of luck! He is a twat of the first order. Anyway I realise that you are not Steve Irwin Buttsie, my dog ate the Funnel-Web you sent me mate. Life of Brian is in its jiffy bag but delayed due to my drink habit.
Your right. Steve Irwin is as mad as a snake drinking Fosters. He (Steve) keeps on annoying various creatures and then jumping back and saying "jeez! That fella wants to bite me! And then I might bleed out and die.". Which he might. With a bit of luck! He is a twat of the first order. Anyway I realise that you are not Steve Irwin Buttsie, my dog ate the Funnel-Web you sent me mate. Life of Brian is in its jiffy bag but delayed due to my drink habit.
Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans
So brians being held down the off licence until you pay your enough...I'm still watching Holy G..can't seem to get past that damn irritating constitutional peasant
Ps Are you a fan of Mary Louise?
Ps Are you a fan of Mary Louise?
Re: o/t further to above post
I actually meant Marie-Ann memory recall sucks big time
Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans
I'm not aware that I was pretending to be Jewish: on the contrary, I constantly stress my LACK of Hebrew credentials: you try every third idiot clocking yer surname and saying 'oh, and have you had yer flap off, and does it hurt'?
And of course, the more you moan about my sesquipedalianisms, the more I'll use rhem: that's basic human psychology.
Putz ! Schlemiel ! Shazbat !
[That last word may not actually be Hebrew, or even Yiddish]
And of course, the more you moan about my sesquipedalianisms, the more I'll use rhem: that's basic human psychology.
Putz ! Schlemiel ! Shazbat !
[That last word may not actually be Hebrew, or even Yiddish]
Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans
You'll be speaking Klingon at least Joe King will understand you..... 

Re: o/t Re:Accents & Americans
Allow me to apologise JJ. My post was nonesense fuelled by booze. If its any consolation I know a family who share your surname and they are Roman Catholics and also still have thier hosepipes intact. Although your knowledge of Yiddish insults is rather impressive.
Rabbi Magoo
Rabbi Magoo