My bit for Comic Relief
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
I think even Matt was 'lightened up' about RND. Nowt wrong with discussing the whys and wherefores, though.......
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
"the BBC refused to take the cheque because they didn?t want to be associated with a company that dealt in sexual activity"
Pretentious poncy middleclass twats. Come the revolution....
Pretentious poncy middleclass twats. Come the revolution....
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
.....and this from a Corporation that has, in the past, shown graphic simulated sex/rape/torture/incest/paedophilia/murder.
Odd....rum....strange, even......
Odd....rum....strange, even......
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
Quite right: I'll have to exercise restraint...., where's them ropes and cuffs......?, where's them ropes and cuffs......?
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
Oh well I'll just give it to the guy sitting next to me......DAMM there's nobody there!!!!!
Re: o/t Re: My bit for Comic Relief
Ah, but that's art luvie and it's just the sort of thing one needs to fuel an earnest, hand-wringing, discussion over a nice glass of Beaujolais and a plate of pesto tagliatelli. All that distasteful Ann Summers stuff is for the plebs. It?s about exploiting 'wimmin' having fun while Africa starves and the uncouth pursuit of mammon. It?s our moral duty to signal the inappropriateness of such pastimes and activities and guide any of those poor damaged unfortunates (the plebs) along the path of righteous middleclass poncyness.